On Thursday 6 May 2021, residents in Calderdale can vote in the local elections and the first West Yorkshire Combined Authority Mayoral election.
Voters have a range of options for casting their ballot – in person, by post or by appointing someone they trust to vote in their place, known as a proxy vote. The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on 20 April, and for a proxy vote the deadline is 5pm on 27 April.
Residents who are not registered at their current address can do so quickly and easily, online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote(external link). Alternatively, contact Electoral Services on 01422 393103 to request a form. The deadline to register to vote for the May 2021 elections is midnight on Monday 19 April.
The Council’s elections team is working hard to ensure that the voting process can be carried out safely and in line with Government guidance. For those who choose to vote in person, a number of safety measures will be in place at polling stations. Voters are encouraged to keep themselves and others safe by:
· Wearing a face covering
· Bringing their own pen or pencil
· Cleaning their hands when entering and leaving the polling station
· Keeping a safe distance
Hand sanitiser will be available and regular cleaning will also take place, including touch points and polling booths.
Voters should not attend the polling station if they have symptoms of COVID-19, or if they have been asked to self-isolate. There will be provisions in place to apply for an emergency proxy vote if required due to health circumstances.
Information has been sent to residents’ homes and further details about what to expect this year will be sent out with polling cards nearer the time. For more information, visit https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/council/elections-and-voting/how-vote.
Robin Tuddenham, Chief Executive of Calderdale Council and Returning Officer, said:
“It’s so important that residents can have their say at the upcoming elections and that they feel confident that their vote can be cast safely. We are working hard to make sure that polling stations are safe places to vote and to work.
“We know that the voting process will feel different this year. At our polling stations, residents can expect to see measures we’ve become used to in shops and banks over recent months. There’s also the option of postal voting or applying for someone to vote on your behalf (what’s known as a proxy vote).
“However you choose to cast your vote, it’s important that you plan ahead, and for postal and proxy options, ensure you apply as soon as possible.
“If you haven’t already done so, make sure that you’re registered to vote – the easiest way to register is online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote(external link).”
Ailsa Irvine, Director of Electoral Administration and Guidance at the Electoral Commission said:
“The choice on how to vote at the elections is yours – you can have your say in person, by post or by proxy. However you cast your vote in May, you will be able to do so safely.
“If you’re voting in person, help keep yourself and others safe by following the safety measures that will be in place at the polling station.
“If you decide to vote by post, don’t wait until the deadline to apply. Sending your application now will make sure it is processed early, and your postal vote can be sent to you more quickly once the candidates for the election are confirmed.”
Additional information about elections is available at https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter(external link)