
Huge investment boost for Brighouse


Brighouse is set to receive £19.1 million of investment to fund improvements in the town, as part of the Government’s Towns Fund.

This massive investment will fund projects to be delivered over the next four years. 83 town deals have now been agreed across the country, with funding for a further 18 towns still to be announced.

The funding allocated to Brighouse will be used to deliver proposed improvements which have been shaped by local knowledge using feedback from consultation work last year.

The bid for funding was agreed and submitted by the Brighouse Town Deal Board, made up of representatives from the public, private and community sectors. Brighouse Town Deal Board is co-chaired by Calderdale Councillor Sophie Whittaker and local business owner David Whitehead.

The improvement proposals build on the existing assets that make Brighouse special. including its unique and diverse events, the compact town centre, good accessibility and links to neighbouring towns and cities, plus its range of independent shops.

Proposals include work to transform key public spaces in the town, such as the canal side and Thornton Square, improving accessibility and creating space for events.

Additional spaces would also be created for people to meet; encouraging visitors and residents to spend more time in the town centre with more facilities for people to cycle or walk in and around the town centre. This would also include improved pathways to local shops and businesses.

Plans are also in place to transform the market area creating an improved market offer and also the potential to bring homes into the heart of the town.

Further opportunities to improve local training are also being pursued with plans to build skills, particularly in manufacturing and green technology.

Detailed plans and business cases for projects with be developed over the next 12 months in partnership with the Town Board and the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

Co-Chair of the Brighouse Town Deal Board, Cllr Sophie Whittaker, said:

“I’m absolutely delighted that we’ve now had confirmation that Brighouse will receive over £19 million from the Government’s Towns Fund. Alongside my passionate and enthusiastic colleagues on the Town Deal Board, we’ve worked hard to prepare a bid that builds upon the many existing positives in the town and brings further benefits to residents, visitors and local businesses.

“We’re all thrilled that our bid for funding has been successful and we look forward to soon making our plans a reality.”

David Whitehead, Co-Chair of Brighouse Town Deal Board, said:

“This very generous Government grant provides us with an exciting opportunity to smarten up rather tired looking parts of the town centre, which should in turn encourage more visitors to the area, providing a welcome boost for the local economy.”

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:

“It’s fantastic news that we’ve been successful in our bid for funding from the Government’s Towns Fund. This significant investment will support our plans to revitalise Brighouse town centre, supporting our economic recovery from COVID and improving facilities, open spaces and providing further opportunities in the local area.

“The proposals have been agreed by the Brighouse Town Deal Board, using feedback from local people gathered in the consultation last year. Work will be carried out over the next four years, complementing our Vision2024 ambitions for the borough to support our distinctive, resilient and enterprising towns.”

The Brighouse Town Deal Boards support the overall Vision2024 for Calderdale. The year 2024 marks Calderdale’s 50th birthday. Where do we want to be by 2024? What’s our ambition and what will be different? Find out more at


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