Calderdale organisations, including community groups, charities and schools can now apply for funding from the £1million Climate Emergency Fund, to support projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions in the borough
Calderdale Council is working in partnership with Community Foundation for Calderdale (CFFC) to launch the £1million fund to enable local communities to lead work to combat the impact that climate change is having on the borough. Local groups can now submit applications for the first round of funding to support local environmental projects.
Calderdale aims to be carbon neutral by 2038, with significant progress by 2030. The Council and CFFC are working together to raise awareness of the Climate Emergency and to distribute funds to a variety of community groups with a specific focus on making energy savings and carbon reductions.
The key priorities for this round of funding include transport, buildings and education/awareness raising. Eligible projects might cover themes such as vehicle co-ownership and projects which support active travel and public transport. They could also include energy efficiency works in buildings to reduce emissions; in most cases these works would also reduce operational costs and make buildings more comfortable for occupants.
Projects focused on education and people development could include work to increase the awareness and knowledge of climate change and the vital need to reduce our carbon footprint. For example, work to deliver climate emergency training, the development of sustainability education courses covering topics such as building retrofit, renewable energy, sustainable transport, low carbon diets and energy saving advice, or working with groups who are often under-represented in climate conversations.
The eligible groups that can apply are:
- Established voluntary, community and faith groups run for and by local people (individuals cannot apply)
- Registered charities and groups with charitable purposes working in Calderdale
- Community Interest Companies (CICs) who do not, and cannot, pay dividends
- Schools (for non-statutory activity)
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Resilience, Cllr Scott Patient, said:
“I’m delighted that we’ve now launched the £1million Climate Emergency Fund, in partnership with the Community Foundation for Calderdale. This significant investment will support talented local groups to develop climate solutions, complementing ongoing Council work to help reduce carbon emissions in the borough.
“We need urgent action to tackle climate change and it’s important we work together with local groups to share knowledge and ideas and take action to protect our distinctive environment.
“We know that many local groups are passionate about tackling the climate crisis and we’re excited to hear about their innovative initiatives and look forward to supporting their ideas.”
Steve Duncan CEO of the Community Foundation for Calderdale, explained:
“We pride ourselves in knowing where funding is needed to support projects that benefit everyone in our community. We are proud to be involved in this new fund and the legacy it will create for future generations.”
For additional guidance about the Climate Emergency Fund and to submit an application, interested groups should visit https://ukcf.secure.force.com/forms/Generalover1500/ClimateEmergencyFund(external link)
The fund will close to the first-round applications on Monday 13 September 2021, with decisions expected by end of October.
To find out more about how the climate emergency is being tackled in Calderdale, visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/climateemergency