The way that Calderdale’s library books, digital resources and other stock is acquired, managed and made available is being discussed by the Council’s Cabinet.
The Libraries and Information Service is one of the Council’s most popular and best-used services. It is delivered from 12 libraries across the borough, and also includes an extensive online offer and a Home Library Service.
A good library service needs sufficient and well-managed resources and this is guided by the Stock Management Policy.
It has been ten years since the policy was last fully reviewed and Cabinet Members are now asked to approve the revised Stock Management Policy, which reflects modern trends and recent service improvements. It aims to ensure that resources provide the maximum benefit for the people of Calderdale, within the available library budget.
The Stock Management Policy informs:
- How books and other library materials, including online and digital resources are selected.
- How stock is presented and displayed.
- How choice is increased by circulating stock around libraries.
- How requests are managed.
- Why library materials are withdrawn, and what happens to them.
- What is available in the various collections.
- The aims that guide the service when managing library collections.
Libraries in Calderdale aim to provide access to as wide a range of material as possible to support the information, learning, business, cultural and leisure needs of the borough. A huge volume of material is published annually in print and electronic formats, and the constraints of space and budget mean that it is impossible for the library service to buy everything.
The updated policy includes the stock selection criteria for the wide range of library resources, including adult fiction and non-fiction, children and young people’s fiction and information resources, audio and talking books and much more.
It also includes detail around the usage of digital resources, such as eBooks, eAudio Books, digital newspapers, magazines and comics. The usage of these items for information, leisure and recreational pursuits is increasing and the library service intends to develop provision of these items.
The policy has been developed in line with national standards and professional best practice and its content has been further shaped by recent consultation with library users and local communities.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities, Cllr Jenny Lynn, said:
“Calderdale libraries are at the heart of local communities and provide an important service – one which we know is really valued by our residents.
“It’s been 10 years since we last looked at the policy which guides how we manage our library resources and purchase stock. As times change, so does the way that people access our library service and with a huge amount of material available and limited funds, it’s important that resources are managed well, and funding spent wisely.
“We’ll be considering revisions to the Council’s library stock management policy, which draws together a number of improvements that have been made over the last few years to the way the library service buys, selects and promotes stock. It also recognises the introduction of other formats, including the popularity of digital resources which are available for library members to download to a personal device.”
Cabinet members will review the Calderdale Libraries Stock Management Policy at their meeting on Monday 11 March 2024 at Halifax Town Hall, from 3pm. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://calderdale.public-i.tv/core/portal/home(external link)