The progress of projects to support improvements to the transport network around Calderdale will be discussed at the meeting of Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 9 October.
Calderdale is benefitting from significant investment from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund, supporting projects on the A629 and A641 to transform travel along and around these routes.
Members of the Council’s Cabinet will now consider a report updating on progress of these projects and the current budget positions, acknowledging the outcome of the 2022 inflation review.
In late 2022, the Combined Authority and partner councils carried out a review of its programme of transport projects, outlining a number of changes to the programme to address inflationary pressures and to reduce overprogramming.
The agreed position included funding increases to A629 phases 1b and 2, with no change to the budget for the A641. The A629 Phase 4 and Halifax Station Gateway projects were pipelined until further funding becomes available.
The A629 phase 2, Halifax town centre project aims to improve pedestrian and cycle access into and within Halifax town centre. It also includes an upgrade of the highway network around the town. A number of high-quality improvements to the look and feel of the town centre will be introduced, including the pedestrianisation of Market Street. Bus routes around and through the town will also be improved, better connecting the rail and bus stations and improving on-street bus stop facilities.
Final approvals for the project were confirmed by the Combined Authority in mid-September 2023, with total funding of £64million agreed. Following the appointment of contractors, it’s estimated that works will begin in early 2024.
The A629 Calder and Hebble Junction (phase 1b) project is also progressing well. The project aims to improve road safety and journey times between Huddersfield and Halifax and will also include improved facilities for pedestrians, public transport users and cyclists.
The full phase 1b project is due to be completed by summer 2024. Some elements will be open earlier, such as the new link bridge. Most of the road network is expected to be open by early 2024. A decision on final project milestone funding is due at the meeting of the Combined Authority later this year.
The third project being funded by the West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund is the A641 improvement scheme, which looks to improve the infrastructure and connectivity on this key route through Brighouse, linking Huddersfield and Bradford and ensuring that communities in South East Calderdale have access to sustainable transport options. Outline designs and costing for the scheme are being finalised.
Calderdale Council’s Leader, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“Calderdale is benefitting from a significant amount of funding from the West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund which will transform travel around the borough and deliver major economic benefits. Although we had to make some difficult decisions as part of the inflation review last year, I’m pleased that these three ambitious projects are progressing as planned.
“The report being discussed at the meeting of Cabinet gives us an opportunity to reflect on progress of the projects and receive an update on upcoming milestones, acknowledging the current financial position of each project.”
The West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund programme review and update is being discussed at the meeting of Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 9 October 2023 at Halifax Town Hall from 3pm. The meeting is also being streamed online at https://calderdale.public-i.tv/core/portal/home(external link)
The A629 phase 1b and phase 2 and the A641 projects have been allocated over £170million pounds of funding through the West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund, and the Leeds City Region Growth Deal – a £1 billion package of Government investment through the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP), delivered by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to accelerate growth and create jobs across Leeds City Region.
For more information on these and other regeneration projects in Calderdale, visit www.calderdalenextchapter.co.uk(external link)
Supporting investment and regeneration opportunities to build resilience and encourage enterprise is part of the Vision 2024 for Calderdale. In the year 2024, Calderdale will celebrate its 50th birthday. Where do we want to be by 2024? Join the conversation by following #VisionCdale2024 on social media and visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision