
Tackling diabetes in Calderdale

The number of people with diabetes is growing at an alarming rate and at least 10% of NHS expenditure can be directly or indirectly attributed to diabetes. One in twenty adults in Calderdale has diabetes.


These alarming statistics have prompted Calderdale Council’s Adults Health and Social Care Scrutiny Panel, to take a closer look at how people with diabetes are accessing care in Calderdale.


The Chair of the Scrutiny Panel, Cllr Ann McAllister, said:


“We have invited a range of experts to come and discuss with us the worrying increase in diabetes and what strategies the NHS and the Council have for making sure that diabetes is spotted early and people can receive help to manage this condition themselves, without developing some of the very serious long term consequences of this disease.


“I am particularly struck by the much greater incidence of diabetes amongst Calderdale’s South Asian communities and I will be particularly interested to hear what the authorities are doing to address this, from prevention, to treatment.


“Of course the most expert people of all are those who have the condition, and we would love to hear about their experiences. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting, or you can send us your comments to


Dr Steven Cleasby, Diabetes Lead at Calderdale’s Clinical Commissioning Group added:


“We are delighted that Scrutiny has decided to focus on diabetes and look forward to seeing how all services in Calderdale are helping patients manage their diabetes as effectively as possible.


“We are aiming for integrated high quality care that diabetes patients can access at the right time and at the right place. We welcome this review and look forward to acting on its recommendations with all our partners and patients.”

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