Press release from Calderdale Council and The Diocese of Salford:
Calderdale Council and The Diocese of Salford will continue to give every support to St Joseph’s RC Primary School, Todmorden, in their drive to raise standards.
An Ofsted inspection of the school in October 2016 recommends that the school be taken into special measures, in a published report.
Ofsted recognised the good progress of pupils and high standards in writing across the school. They also praised the teaching of writing, which meets pupils’ needs well, and the strong training for teachers in writing which has led to challenging and engaging activities.
However, the school was judged as inadequate in the effectiveness of leadership and management; the quality of teaching, learning and assessment; personal development, behaviour and welfare; and outcomes for pupils. Ofsted’s key recommendations for improvement include:
- Further improve the quality of teaching to improve outcomes in maths and reading.
- Develop the curriculum to offer more opportunities to practise and reinforce mathematical skills.
- Enhance learning through challenging activities.
Cllr Megan Swift, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, said:
“The needs of the young people in this school are paramount. The Council is absolutely committed to help bring about the rapid and sustained improvements needed in all of the areas highlighted by the Ofsted inspection.
“We will continue to work closely with The Diocese of Salford, the school staff and governors to raise standards. We are confident that the school has already begun to address the issues in maths, and a detailed action plan will be implemented swiftly to turn things around across the school.”
Peter Eavers, Director of Education at The Diocese of Salford, added:
“The Diocese of Salford and Calderdale Council are working together to provide assistance to the Governing Body and school community and share a strong determination to support the school and its leadership to ensure rapid improvements.”
Jim Livesey, Chair of Governors at St Joseph’s RC Primary School, said:
“Governors and staff are disappointed with the Ofsted judgement of ‘Inadequate’. Mathematics had already been identified as a priority in the current School Improvement Plan. Actions were in place, well before the Ofsted inspection, to accelerate our pupils’ progress and improve standards of mathematics across school. We are committed to helping all pupils achieve their full potential and staff have been working with the White Rose Maths Hub to ensure that this happens rapidly.
“Following the inspection an Action Plan has been produced, based on the Ofsted targets, from which we are confident that rapid improvements in the school will be achieved. This Action Plan has been supported by the Council and the Diocese. We will continue to build on these now and in the future.”