Protecting local services and balancing the books are the priority for the Council in the next financial year, as it adapts to changes to local government funding introduced by the new Government.
The Cabinet’s budget proposals for 2025/6 were presented by the Leader of the Council at a Cabinet meeting on Monday 13 January 2025, marking the start of a period of public consultation.
The proposals have been produced at a time of change, with a one-year financial settlement from the Government this year, but the prospect of a longer term, sustainable and robust financial settlement for councils in the future.
The draft Local Government Finance Settlement, which was published in December 2024, provided a 7.4% increase in funding, which is positive but does not fully meet the financial challenges that the Council is currently facing.
The Council is legally required to set a balanced budget each year. Based on the Council’s current financial forecasts, the local authority is now facing budget deficits of £3 million in 2025/26 and £4.2 million in 2026/27 and £6.1 million in 2027/28.
To protect and maintain vital public services the Cabinet’s budget proposals include an increase in Council Tax of 4.99%. This includes a Council Tax increase of 2.99% in line with the limit set by Government and an additional 2% Social Care Precept to help fund and protect social care services to vulnerable adults and children.
These increases are expected of the Council by the Government when it calculates how much funding the local authority will receive within the financial settlement.
The Council continues to prioritise support for those who need it most, with 70% of the total budget now spent on adults’ and children’s health and social care.
Demand for these services has continued to rise, particularly from people with long-term health conditions and disabilities, and there is a growing number of children requiring Education Health and Care Plans. High inflation has increased costs across all services, adding additional pressure to the Council’s budget.
The savings proposals are outlined in the Cabinet report and include:
- Reducing adult social care package assessments by reviewing the level of social care need, recognising the changes in contribution from the NHS, reducing duplication across partners and targeting prevention to reduce and delay future need.
- Reviewing in-house mental health provision to reduce the non-statutory work currently delivered by the Council.
- Increasing the price of garden and bulky waste collection to reflect the increased cost of operating the service since the last review in 2018.
- Moving to a digital first strategy to create savings through better use of technology.
Cllr Jane Scullion, Leader of the Council said:
“We are proud of our record of robust financial management and low borrowing during some incredibly challenging financial times.
“These will not change overnight, and we will have to continue to make difficult decisions so that we can set a sustainable budget. We have included in this year’s proposals, plans which will allow us to strengthen our resilience by starting to replenish our reserves so that we can protect the services our communities depend upon now and into the future.
“And we are ambitious for Calderdale. We continue to perform well when compared to similar councils; Ofsted has judged our Children’s Services as Good across all areas; and we have fully adopted the Local Plan which will stand us in good stead in meeting future housing targets.”
The Council has worked hard to protect the budget over recent years, bringing insignificant investment for Calderdale from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and other sources. The increasing use of digital has helped to reduce costs and the Council has generated income providing services to other organisations, such as schools.
People can have their say on the Cabinet’s budget proposals by completing the online survey: https://new.calderdale.gov.uk/council/budgets-and-spending/cabinets-budget-proposals(external link). The closing date for comments is midnight on Sunday 2 February 2025.
Alternatively, for those unable to access the online survey, feedback can also be provided by downloading the form available at https://new.calderdale.gov.uk/council/budgets-and-spending/cabinets-budget-proposals(external link).
This can be emailed to budget@calderdale.gov.uk or posted to:
The deadline for receipt of feedback forms is Wednesday 5 February 2025.
The proposals will be finalised by the Cabinet on Monday 10 February 2025 and the budget will be set at Budget Council on Monday 24 February 2025 at Halifax Town Hall.