Work has started on a £11.6 million development in Halifax to boost affordable housing.
Lovell Partnerships has begun to build 83 homes on the former Abbey Park estate in Illingworth, of which 63 will be for affordable rent, with the remainder available to buy through shared ownership via Together Homes.
The scheme is part of the Calderdale Together Housing Investment Partnership, a partnership between Calderdale Council and Together Housing Group, which is committed to deliver up to 650 new homes over five years from 2018 to 2023.
The development, which comprises 42 three-bedroom houses, 33 two-bedroom houses and eight two-bedroom bungalows, is possible thanks to funding from Homes England. Together Housing was announced as one of the government housing agency’s strategic partners in January 2019, receiving £53 million to help deliver 1,152 additional affordable home starts by March 2022.
The first homes will be ready to move into early 2021 and the development is expected to be complete by spring 2022.
The site off North Selby was formally residential use, comprising two-storey housing and flats which were demolished around four years ago after standing derelict for several years.
Hilary Brady, Head of Development for Together Housing, said:
“Our strong partnership work and support from Homes England has enabled us to maintain our operational capability through what has been a very difficult period. This has allowed us to emerge from lockdown well-prepared and ready to deliver the new homes Halifax needs.”
Robert Adams, Lovell’s Managing Director, confirmed:
“We are delighted to have been chosen as Together Housing’s partner for this scheme. It is one of a number of projects we are working to deliver in partnership with Together, offering a range of much needed housing of all tenures across Yorkshire”
Cllr Jane Scullion, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Resources, said:
“It’s great to see work underway on this housing development – another key step forward in the Calderdale Together Housing Investment Partnership. It will provide much-needed new affordable homes to local people and give the area a new lease of life.
“We’re really pleased to be working with our partner organisations to boost housing supply, which is essential to help revitalise our economy due to COVID-19. All work is being carried out in line with national guidance for safe working during the pandemic.”
Claire McCourt, Sales Manager at Together Homes, added:
“With shared ownership, you buy a percentage and pay rent on the rest. We own part of it but you’re living there, you decorate it, and you decide when to sell. Buying a percentage means a smaller deposit and smaller mortgage. It’s a sooner first step on the ladder for lots of people. You can also carry on buying shares as and when you can afford it.”
The homes for shared ownership will go on sale from spring/summer 2021. To register your interest, email hello@mytogetherhome.co.uk or call 0300 330 5533(external link).