A special business breakfast event, held in Todmorden, offered local businesses and tradespeople the chance to find out more about growth opportunities in the town, including those associated with the multi-million-pound Town Deal projects.
Calderdale Council, in partnership with the Todmorden Town Deal Board and Todmorden Learning Centre, hosted the Todmorden Business Breakfast, which provided valuable insights and practical support for local enterprises looking to grow, improve their business, and win contracts for projects in the area.
Local tradespeople including electricians, plumbers and other small and medium sized enterprises attended the event and heard about training opportunities to support more sustainable practices and advice about how to bid and win contracts to deliver projects and services.
Those attending were able to find out more about the many opportunities associated with the £17.5 million Todmorden Town Deal, funded by the UK Government and led by Todmorden Town Deal Board, in partnership with the Council.
Local suppliers and contractors will be needed to deliver the major regeneration projects as part of the Town Deal, including improvements at Centre Vale Park, the Hippodrome Theatre, Todmorden College, Riverside, and the town centre, as well as a brand-new Enterprise Centre.
The Business Breakfast was an opportunity to find out more about the projects and how to be involved in the procurement process or as part of the supply chain. Businesses could also register for free support from the Council’s partner, Go4Growth, which can help traders become suppliers or sub-contractors and tap into opportunities to work with the public sector.
The event also offered the chance to network with other businesses and to meet and talk to representatives from the Council, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Todmorden Town Deal, Todmorden Hippodrome, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) and the School of Natural Building.
Attendees shared some great feedback about the event, one local business said:
“(The event included) really good practical information for local businesses to tap into Todmorden Town Deal and projects for public sector.”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport, Cllr Sarah Courtney, said:
“It was a real pleasure to attend the Business Breakfast event in Todmorden and promote the many opportunities within the town, for local tradespeople or businesses.
“It was also great to hear from the Chair of the Town Deal Board, Pam Warhurst, who spoke about the exciting future for the town, how local enterprises can get involved and the Board’s determination to make sure the Town Deal programme has a real and lasting positive impact on the town.
“The £17.5million Town Deal is set to transform Todmorden and this substantial investment brings with it significant opportunities for businesses. This event aimed to raise awareness of the many ways that local tradespeople can be part of the exciting regeneration projects, with advice about how to be part of the process for the Town Deal and other initiatives.
“As part of our priority for thriving towns and places, we want to help businesses to grow. Supporting local enterprise also helps to create a more inclusive economy by ensuring economic opportunities and investment benefits local communities.”
Pam Warhurst, Chair, Todmorden Town Deal Board, said:
“Todmorden’s business, enterprise and trades community has an excellent and wide range of skills, expertise and experience to offer both locally and beyond. It’s a priority for the Board that the various works and contracts that are being generated through our Programme benefit local trades and businesses as far as possible.
“I am delighted that so many Todmorden businesses came along to the event which also introduced them to training opportunities offered at Tod College for undertaking work within the growing retrofit market to improve energy efficiency in our older buildings.”
Find out more about the Todmorden Town Deal at todmordentowndeal.co.uk(external link), plus information about this and other major projects transforming Calderdale at calderdalenextchapter.co.uk(external link)
The Town Deals programme, funded by the UK Government, aims to regenerate towns and deliver long-term economic and productivity growth. This is through investments in urban regeneration, digital and physical connectivity, skills, heritage and enterprise infrastructure.
The transformation of Todmorden supports the Vision 2024 for Calderdale. The borough reached its 50th anniversary on 1 April 2024 and this is the ultimate year for the Vision. Find out more about it here: www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision(external link)