
Council budget agreed

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Calderdale Council’s budget for 2014/15 was agreed after the Annual Budget Council meeting at Halifax Town Hall on Monday 24 February 2014.  

During the meeting Councillors discussed the revised recommendations made by the Cabinet and the joint alternative budget proposals from the Conservative and Liberal Democrat groups.  

The final budget agreed by the Council includes changes to the Cabinet’s recommendations.  These include: 

–       a planned Council Tax freeze in 2015 / 16 in addition to the Cabinet’s recommendation for a freeze in 2014/15;   

–       a reversal of the recent changes in the parking charges at smaller local car parks across Calderdale and a reduction in the hours of town centre parking charges from 8pm to 6pm;

–       a £150,000 fund has been established for the next three years, for small capital works to improve school buildings;

–       a review of the way that we work with our communities;

–       the creation of community budgets which will provide £5000 per ward, per year, for three years.  Its use will be decided at the Ward Forums, led by local Councillors, for the benefit of the local community;

–       create eight additional posts within the safer, cleaner, greener teams, with a target that four of these will be apprenticeships;

–       a charge of £30 for replacing wheelie bins to cover the full cost and

–       removal of the subsidy for the Trade Union.

The proposal to reduce sick pay for Council workers for the first three days of sickness was rejected. 

The Leader of Calderdale Council, Cllr Tim Swift said: 

“I’m very pleased that we have been able to freeze Council Tax despite the savings we have been asked to make.  

“Recent Government announcements of further reductions in funding mean that the budget must be managed with the expectation of a further reduction of £17m by March 2017. By 2016/17 Calderdale will have found £90m of savings compared to what we expected to spend in 2010.

 “Clearly these are challenging times but I am confident that this budget still allows us to continue to deliver the essential, high quality services which our community relies on, whilst at the same time recognising the pressures of the current high cost of living.” 

Further information on Calderdale Council’s budget can be found at

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