A powerful new fostering film is supporting Calderdale Council’s campaign to recruit more foster carers in the borough.
‘Everything’ is the seventh film to be produced by a growing partnership of councils and children’s trusts to promote local authority fostering. The short film highlighting the long-term benefits of fostering, with relationships between some foster families and children lasting well into adulthood. It’s available to watch at .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s3UiW93BJ0(external link) and on the Council’s and Foster4Calderdale’s social media channels
In Calderdale, like the rest of the country, there is a shortage of local authority foster carers to care for children and young people of all ages. The ‘Everything’ project will be the largest public sector fostering film collaboration yet, and Calderdale Council is one of over 100 participants from right across the country.
The film follows foster carer Mike and his family on a journey through time with two of the children they have looked after, who are now adults. A surprise 60th birthday party for Mike gives Will and Zara a chance to reflect on how being fostered made a difference to their lives, thanking him for everything.
The concluding message of the film is that what you do with your life could forever change someone else’s – encouraging people to foster in order to make that change.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, Cllr Adam Wilkinson, said:
“We need more dedicated and caring people to consider fostering with the council and make a real difference to a young person’s life – supporting them to thrive and creating a loving foster family.
“Foster carers are amazing people who provide a loving family home where children and young people can feel safe, settled and happy. For some, the relationships between foster carers and young people can last a lifetime and the new ‘Everything’ film, highlights how rewarding and life-changing fostering can be.
“The love and care that our foster carers show is truly inspiring, and we know there are many more Calderdale residents whose kindness could transform a foster child’s life. I’d encourage anyone who’s considering a career in foster care, to speak to our supportive team and find out more about what the process involves.
“Being a foster carer is such an important role, and there’s lots of support available as well as many additional benefits including a full council tax exemption for Calderdale foster carers who live in the borough. We’re also proud to have been granted Fostering Friendly employer status by The Fostering Network. This demonstrates our commitment to supporting children and foster carers in the borough and means we support our staff members to carry out fostering care responsibilities alongside their work.”
There are a number of different types of foster care, including short-term fostering, emergency fostering and long-term foster care. The ‘Everything’ film focuses on long-term fostering and the impact that a long-term placement can have on a child’s life.
Debbie and Mark Coup from Calderdale, know first-hand how long-term fostering can lead to relationships which last a lifetime.
Mark and Debbie fostered Ollie for over 12 years, seeing him develop from a young boy of six years old through to a young man of 18. Although now an adult, Ollie continues to live with the family, showing the strong bonds which can be built through fostering.
Debbie said:
“(Long-term fostering) has definitely been a rollercoaster at times, but with more ups than downs!
“Ollie continues to be part of our family, living with us after leaving fostering. As foster parents Mark and I are super proud of the lovely young man Ollie has turned into and how all the family love having him!”
For more information about fostering with Calderdale Council, visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/fostering(external link) The website contains lots of information about the support available and benefits of fostering as well as detail about the process and commitment involved. You can also call 01422 266020, email fostering@calderdale.gov.uk or find out more on Facebook at https://en-gb.facebook.com/foster4calderdale/(external link)