Improved road layouts and safer, more accessible pedestrian facilities will help transform Elland town centre, with people invited to view and share feedback as Calderdale Council deliver the Future High Streets project.
Over £6million of funding from the Future High Streets Fund is being invested in the centre of Elland, supporting improvements to public spaces, the main shopping areas around Southgate and the refurbishment of the community Cartwheel Club. This significant funding will help to create a thriving market town which is vibrant, safe and a great place to spend time, for the businesses, residents and visitors to Elland.
The project, funded by the UK Government includes changes to the road layouts around the heart of the town, with wider pavements and other measures to make the town centre easier to navigate and safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
Part of the project is the pedestrianisation of Southgate making it feel safer and look more attractive and encouraging new and increased footfall from the local community.
To introduce these changes, a number of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) are currently being advertised. These include changes to waiting restrictions, loading bays and the rerouting of traffic. Some on-street parking spaces will be removed, although access to the large Timber Street car park will be significantly improved, as part of the wider works in the town.
People are invited to view the TRO proposals have their say on the plans. Full details of the proposals can be found on the Council’s website: https://new.calderdale.gov.uk/streets-and-transport/transport-initiatives/tro/current-tros#tro15812
Any feedback can be sent in writing to proposedtro@calderdale.gov.uk or Highways and Transportation, c/o The Town Hall, Crossley Street, Halifax HX1 1UJ.
The deadline for comments is Wednesday 7 February 2024.
The feedback received will be used in the development of plans, with any changes incorporated in updated proposals, which will then by subject to further consultation in late February/early March 2024.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Towns, Tourism and Voluntary Sector, Cllr Sarah Courtney, said:
“The transformation of the centre of Elland is progressing well, with significant funding supporting improvements to make the centre more attractive and enhancing the experience for those living, working or visiting the town.
“Part of this work involves amendments to the road layout, including the pedestrianisation of Southgate and changes to the way traffic moves around the town. We’re inviting people to comment on the proposals, as part of an informal feedback exercise. This will be used to develop the plans ahead of formal TRO consultation, scheduled for early spring.
“Supporting resilient, thriving towns is a priority for the Council and wider work in Elland is also moving apace, with the improvements to the market square due for completion soon and the market scheduled to reopen next month.”
Think you know Elland? Think again(external link).
For more information about this and other investment projects across Calderdale, visit www.calderdalenextchapter.co.uk(external link)