Calderdale Council is reminding people that the COVID-19 lockdown is still in place, and is urging people to keep following social distancing rules to help save lives.
This comes as the country moves into the next phase of responding to the outbreak.
However, we are still living with COVID-19, and the risk of the infection spreading will remain for some time.
We all need to keep up the great work that has already been done so far to reduce the spread of the virus and protect each other, the NHS and care homes.
Cllr Tim Swift, Calderdale Council’s Leader, said:
“Following the Government announcement on Sunday 10 May, there are no immediate changes to our services. We are keeping all of our activities under regular review, working through the national guidance and determining what it means for each of our services. We will announce any changes when they are agreed.
“One thing is certain – the safety of our staff, customers and the whole community will remain our absolute priority. We can all play our part in ensuring this, and I’m grateful for the amazing united efforts to look after each other throughout the pandemic. Tragically, the virus is still having devastating impacts and we must continue to stay at home as much as possible and keep two metres apart from others at all times when we go out.”
For the time being, Council services will continue to run as they have done since lockdown came into place in March. For example, it is still not possible for wedding ceremonies to go ahead at the moment – the Council is awaiting further guidance from the General Register Officer and will consider the possibility of further changes to services, but these will only be made when it is safe to do so.
The Council urges people to continue to work from home if they possibly can. If you have to travel, please avoid the rush hour, only use public transport for essential journeys, and walk or cycle whenever possible.
The Council is looking at facilities for cyclists and pedestrians to make this form of commuting and exercising as safe and easy as possible, whilst protecting their health.
Although we can now exercise outdoors more often, and physical activity is important for our health and wellbeing, it is vital that we all do this safely and follow the national guidance on staying safe outside your home(external link).
Calderdale’s parks are a great place to stay active, and they remain open, but anyone using them must follow the social distancing guidelines at all times. Play areas are currently still closed and play equipment remains taped off to avoid the risk of infection. The Council’s running tracks and sports courts also remain closed whilst it reviews the latest guidance and decides whether it is safe to reopen some services.
At the request of Yorkshire Water (the site owner), Ogden Water remains closed for safety reasons. No access to the site is allowed. The paths around the estate are fenced off and the car parks are locked. The Council’s Community Safety Wardens and Parking Enforcement officers, as well as the Police, are patrolling the area and engaging with members of the public to help them understand the rules. If people do not comply, officers will advise and warn if necessary and may use their legal powers where there is no other option.
Calderdale Council, in partnership with public, private and community sector organisations, continues to plan the local recovery and reset of how we will work to ensure a safe future for everyone, and to rebuild our place and our economy. The Calderdale Recovery Coordination Group will develop an Inclusive Recovery Plan looking at how we create safe spaces, safe transport, safe workplaces and safe communities, working towards a safer future.
For up-to-date and reliable information about COVID-19, use trusted sources such as:
www.gov.uk/coronavirus(external link)
www.nhs.uk/coronavirus(external link)
The Council urges everyone in Calderdale to stay at home whenever possible. This is the single most important thing you can do to protect the NHS and care homes and save lives. If you do need to leave home you should follow the Government guidance on staying safe outside your home(external link). As well as social distancing, you can reduce the risk of catching and passing on COVID-19 by washing your hands(external link) with soap and water often, for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face and follow the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it(external link)’ guidance.