Over 160 new homes could be built in Ovenden after Calderdale Council’s Cabinet approved plans for the release of land for new housing.
An initial design includes 78 extra care apartments and 91 affordable homes.
Extra care housing can provide an alternative to residential care and support people so that they can remain independent and living within their own community.
The number of people aged 75-84 is predicted to increase across Calderdale by 42% between 2014 and 2024 and the Council is responsible for making sure that the right types of homes are available to meet their needs.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Social Care, Cllr Bob Metcalfe said:
“Demand for extra care housing is increasing and I’m delighted that the Council is supporting the development of this scheme.
“It’s so important for people to stay within the community in which they have spent their life, so that they can remain close to their friends and family. Extra care makes sure that people can be supported within their own home, enjoying a good quality of life in the place that they know.”
A flexible support package of care is provided with the housing and this can be increased if the person’s health deteriorates.
It is intended that this extra care scheme will also be available for younger adults who meet the care and support criteria and need some additional support to remain independent. Typically extra care schemes are restricted to people above 55 or 60 years of age.
The scheme would also include bungalows to provide accessible accommodation for people with additional physical needs, who are able to live independently or within a community, with some support.
The site, which is in Furness Avenue, has been identified as suitable for the development of both an extra care scheme for vulnerable adults of all ages as well as more traditional housing.
Currently the area is a large brownfield site which provides poor quality open space for local residents, and which has attracted some fly-tipping and other anti-social behaviour.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing and Environment, Cllr Daniel Sutherland said:
“This scheme will allow us to transform this vacant land into much needed homes for local people.
“The development will form part of the North Halifax Transformation programme which sets out our strategic vision for the place, including delivering new housing; kick-starting investment and regenerating the area.”
The transfer of ownership of the land in Furness Avenue to Home Group Limited for the development was approved at the Cabinet meeting on Monday 11 February 2019.
Home Group Limited has extensive experience in the delivery of extra care housing, and is currently developing a £12million 65 bed extra care scheme in Bramston Street, Rastrick, for people with dementia.
Community engagement events will be organised during spring to share proposed plans with local residents before a planning application is submitted over summer.
The Council will now ask the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to consent to the disposal of the land so that the scheme can begin development.