Three more Calderdale Council buildings could become more energy efficient, as part of ongoing work to cut carbon emissions across the borough.
The Council is proposing to replace the heating systems at the Victoria Theatre and Borough Market in Halifax and at Beechwood Road Library, Illingworth, with low-carbon alternatives.
These buildings are some of the highest energy users in the Council’s estate. They have gas heating systems that are old, unreliable and need replacing urgently.
The work would include installing:
- An air source heat pump and LED stage lighting at the Victoria Theatre, and increasing capacity to the electricity substation.
- An air source heat pump and a new substation at Halifax Borough Market.
- An air source heat pump and solar panels at Beechwood Road Library.
This would save nearly 250 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.
The new energy efficiency measures would cost around £2 million in total to install. The Council has bid for £1.6 million from Phase 3c of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme. A Council contribution of just over £400,000 would be needed.
At their meeting on Monday 11 December 2023, Cabinet Members will be asked to support the improvements and to recommend to Full Council that the £400,000 Council contribution be provided as part of the 2024/25 budget process.
Cllr Scott Patient, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Active Travel and Housing, said:
“Cutting almost 250 tonnes of carbon emissions through these improvements would support our priority to tackle the climate emergency, by contributing to Calderdale’s ambitious target to be carbon neutral by 2038.
“We’ve already taken strides to improve energy efficiency in our buildings. Our successful ‘Re:fit’ programme and previous phases of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme have helped us reduce energy use, carbon dioxide and costs.
“The Council is just one part of a whole partnership working together to deliver the soon-to-be-launched Calderdale Climate Action Plan. We encourage local people and organisations to join the fight against climate change by taking their own steps to cut carbon in their everyday lives.”
Heat pumps are more energy efficient than gas boilers because less energy is needed to deliver the same level of heat. Using electricity, rather than gas fuel, to operate the heat pumps results in significantly lower carbon dioxide emissions. The new equipment would also be more reliable, reducing maintenance and repair costs.
Previous funding through the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme has enabled the Council to cut energy use at Bankfield Museum, Spring Hall, Brighouse Library and Art Gallery, Halifax Town Hall, Manor Heath Jungle Experience, Todmorden Market Hall and Todmorden Sports Centre.
Successful applicants to Phase 3c are expected to be notified in early 2024.
The energy efficiency improvements at the Victoria Theatre and Borough Market would complement the Future High Streets Fund projects that are underway to transform the buildings and regenerate Halifax town centre: https://calderdalenextchapter.co.uk/projects/halifax-future-high-streets(external link)
For more information about climate action in Calderdale, visit https://new.calderdale.gov.uk/environment/sustainability/climate-action-plan
Climate action helps to build resilience across the borough, which is a key theme of the Vision 2024 for Calderdale. The year 2024 marks Calderdale’s 50th birthday and there isn’t long to go. Where do we want to be by 2024? Find out more at www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet meeting is on Monday 11 December at Halifax Town Hall from 3pm. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://calderdale.public-i.tv/core/portal/home(external link)