Residents in Calderdale can now register to vote online. Registration takes less than three minutes to complete and all you need to provide is your name, address, date of birth and National Insurance number.
The online registration service has been tested extensively with people over many months and is compatible with all platforms, including smartphones and tablets, meaning maximum convenience when registering.
Merran McRae, Calderdale Council’s Chief Executive and Local Returning Officer, said:
“We’re really keen to get as many Calderdale residents as possible to register to vote online. Having a say in elections is very important, and registering online makes it even faster and easier.”
The launch of the new online tool is part of a wider move to Individual Electoral Registration (IER). The old and outdated household registration system is being replaced by individual registration. This is a simple one-step process of being verified against existing records and, unlike today, 80% of people will be automatically added to the register without needing to apply at all. IER will help to prevent fraud by enabling the Government to verify that everyone on the register is who they say they are, resulting in greater trust in the legitimacy and fairness of elections.