Improved road layouts, better facilities for walking and cycling and enhanced public transport connectivity will help transform Halifax town centre, with local people invited to have their say on the latest designs.
Calderdale Council is delivering the A629 Phase 2 Halifax town centre scheme, an ambitious regeneration project which is fully funded through the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund.
The project aims to transform public spaces in Halifax, work will include:
- The pedestrianisation of Market Street and a short length of Northgate,
- The creation of a new public space outside Square Chapel and Halifax Central Library,
- Additional and upgraded crossing facilities
- New cycle routes and facilities at major junctions and throughout the town,
- New bus priority access and new bus stops at Southgate, Ward’s End, Union Street, Church Street, Alfred Street East and Horton Street,
- The rerouting of traffic, realignment of junctions and changes to the road layout, including removing the Bull Green roundabout to create a more efficient layout,
- The planting of trees and landscaping.
The complex scheme will be split into three parts: western, eastern and central. Initial work will be focused on the western section, which includes Bull Green, Northgate, Broad Street and Ward’s End. Changes to the layouts of roads and junctions will make walking, cycling and public transport routes easier and safer.
As part of this work, a number of changes to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) are being advertised. These include changes to waiting restrictions, loading bays and parking.
The updated TRO proposals include some changes in response to feedback received as part of informal engagement in February/March 2023. This includes some design adjustments to improve accessibility, as well as changes to loading options, with an additional loading bay on Wards End.
People are invited to view the TRO proposals and have their say on the plans. Full details of the proposals can be found on the Council’s website: https://new.calderdale.gov.uk/streets-and-transport/transport-initiatives/tro/current-tro/a629-phase-2-western-corridor
Any feedback can be sent in writing to A629phase2tro@calderdale.gov.uk The deadline for comments is Thursday 18 April 2024.
Calderdale Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet member with responsibility for Halifax master planning and regeneration, Cllr Tim Swift, said:
“The work planned across Halifax town centre is part of a major investment to support a thriving future for the town. The changes to roads, public spaces and public transport connectivity will completely transform the centre of the town and how we travel in and around it, with a focus upon environment, accessibility, transport choice and economic opportunity.
“The work is on a huge scale, so it will be split into three parts. We’re currently advertising the required changes to traffic regulations which form part of the western phase of plans. These updated proposals incorporate changes from previous feedback and we’re now inviting people to have their say on these proposals.”
Any changes to the TRO following the consultation will be incorporated into the scheme.
Work on the construction element of the project is now progressing, with the construction company Galliford Try setting up a work compound in Union Street car park from April 2024. More information is now available to view at calderdalenextchapter.co.uk/projects/a629-halifax-town-centre(external link). This includes drawings of the first phase of the works.
The A629 phase 2 scheme has received funding through the West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund, and the Leeds City Region Growth Deal – a £1 billion package of Government investment delivered by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to accelerate growth and create jobs across Leeds City Region.
Think you know Halifax? Think again. It’s an inspiring time for Halifax. Discover your part in it(external link).
Supporting strong and resilient, thriving towns is a priority for the Council and contributes to the Vision 2024 for the borough. Join the conversation by following #VisionCdale2024 on social media and visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision