Work to progress the development of two documents which will help guide future planning decisions is being discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet.
At the Cabinet meeting on Monday 8 July 2024, Councillors will consider two reports relating to the development of the Placemaking and Design Guide and the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs). These documents provide more detailed advice and guidance on policies in the Council’s adopted Local Plan.
Consultation on each of the documents has now taken place, with the comments received being taken into account and used to help develop final versions of the SPDs.
The Placemaking and Design Guide SPD includes guidance on how the borough’s buildings, streets, neighbourhoods and towns should be designed to ensure they align with the Local Plan and the Council’s priorities to reduce inequalities, create thriving towns and places, and tackle the climate emergency.
The SPD has been prepared with the architects and masterplanners, JTP(external link), as well as using feedback from local communities and organisations with an interest in the built environment.
The extensive, eight-month consultation on the SPD included online and in-person events, as well as a community review panel with local residents.
This thorough and inclusive consultation process, in partnership with JTP, has received national recognition with the Award for Stakeholder Engagement in Planning, at the Planning Awards(external link), which celebrate outstanding achievement in planning work. Judges praised the process and stated that other councils could learn from the ‘solid engagement’ and ‘clear focus on people making the place’.
Members of Cabinet are now being asked to recommend to Full Council that the Placemaking and Design Guide SPD is formally adopted.
Members will also consider recommending adoption of the Affordable Housing SPD. This sets out guidance about the amount of affordable housing required on different development sites, the type of affordable housing required and the process for securing affordable housing.
The SPD aims to guide developers when preparing proposals and Council officers when considering applications and drawing up agreements. It will assist in meeting the affordable housing need identified in the Local Plan.
Calderdale Council’s Director for Regeneration and Strategy, Shelagh O’Neill, said:
“The preparation and subsequent adoption of supplementary planning documents (SPD) is a long, but very important process. Each SPD provides advice and further detail on policies in the Local Plan, helping to support sustainable development and well-designed, healthy environments.
“Cabinet will now consider the updated Placemaking and Design Guide and Affordable Housing SPDs. These documents include revisions following feedback from consultation and Cabinet are asked to recommend to Full Council that the final SPDs are adopted.
“It’s so important that we’ve been able to hear from local people and organisations in the preparation of these documents. I’m delighted that our work with architects JTP on the Placemaking and Design Guide SPD consultation has been nationally recognised in the Planning Awards and identified as a process from which other councils can learn.”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet meeting is on Monday 8 July 2024 at Halifax Town Hall from 4pm. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://calderdale.public-i.tv/core/portal/home(external link)