Calderdale Council is proposing changes to its parking charges across the borough, considering a number of factors to ensure it provides the right parking in the right place.
A review of charges takes place every two years in Calderdale, to ensure the Council’s approach to both on-street and off-street parking is appropriate and continues to support strategic policies around transportation, traffic management, the climate emergency, and strong and thriving towns.
Other than extending the charging days and times of some existing charges in autumn 2021, parking charges in the borough have not increased for at least four years and in some locations charges have remained the same for 10 or more years.
At the June meeting of Calderdale Council’s Cabinet, members will consider a report which outlines proposals for revised parking charges in the borough. This suggests some increases in existing charges, plus areas where new charges could be introduced, as well as locations where charges might remain the same or even decrease.
The proposals have been informed by surveys of usage/occupancy levels, the local knowledge of officers, and any feedback from residents and businesses. As a result, they vary from town to town, in recognition of the different ways that places function.
There are also proposals in the report for new approaches such as a short stay ‘pop and shop’ initiative. It also includes considerations to continue to support net zero carbon and emission reduction objectives, such as the introduction of a discounted green (electric vehicle) parking permit.
Proposed increases are predominantly focused around on-street spaces or short-stay central car parks, which are the areas most in demand by motorists and where it’s important to encourage turnover and subsequently improve availability of space for those who wish to park there. Blue badge holders will continue to be able to park for free both on-street and in Council car parks.
The revenue from the changes recommended in the report would be used to support the maintenance and enhancement of the highway network across the borough. This would include a significant investment in white lining, prioritising areas where refreshed lining is needed for safety reasons or to ensure effective traffic management.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities, Cllr Jenny Lynn, said:
“We understand that any increases in parking charges is never popular, but the proposals for changes in our charges is part of a full review of parking across the borough and a comparison with charges in neighbouring authorities.
“This wouldn’t be a blanket increase across the borough. We’ve carefully looked at the circumstances of each town and each individual car park and on street location to come up with a package of proposals which reflect local need, including some increases, some charges remaining the same and some decreases in charges.
“We are also reviewing usage across existing car parks to identify where changes could support wider objectives, such as regeneration projects or electric vehicle charging hubs.
“As always, any income resulting from these proposed changes would be reinvested in the highways network, supporting maintenance and investment in parking technology.”
The Parking Charges Review report will be discussed at the meeting of Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 12 June 2023, at Halifax Town Hall, starting at 3pm.