Further investment to improve drug treatment and recovery in Calderdale is being discussed at the Council’s next Cabinet meeting.
Following recommendations from a National Drug Strategy review, funding has been allocated to councils across the country to help them improve their drug and alcohol treatment and recovery systems. Calderdale Council’s Cabinet will look to accept grant funding of £800,000 over two years, with the potential to bid for an additional £700,000 in 2024/25.
The money would be used to further invest in the work to tackle drug related harm, improve drug treatment and improve outcomes for people impacted by drug use ensuring that Calderdale is a place where one can recover.
The situation with drug related harm Calderdale is complex, with some outcomes better than the national average and others comparing less favourably. The number of deaths from drug misuse is worse than the national average; between 2018 and 2020 there were 46 drug related deaths in Calderdale residents, a rate of 7.6 per 100,000 compared to a national average of five.
The Council and its partners do all they can to prevent drug related harm, treat addiction to drugs and support those with drug-related issues to get the help they need. The Recovery Steps Service is an integrated drug and alcohol treatment service provided by the Basement Recovery Project and Humankind from a single site in Halifax. Humankind also provides young people’s drug services in Calderdale through the Branching Out Service, which includes work with schools and the provision of treatment to young people.
Drug treatment services in Calderdale have developed in recent years, with recommendations already implemented from a recent review into services to better meet the needs of adults experiencing complex and multiple disadvantage.
This additional funding would be used to further support treatment and recovery and integrate this with action from across health, care, wellbeing and community safety partners in Calderdale and in West Yorkshire.
A new Calderdale Drug and Alcohol Strategic Partnership would also be established to co-ordinate multi-agency action to prevent drug use and improve drug related outcomes in the borough.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Towns, Engagement and Public Health, Cllr Sarah Courtney, said:
“Calderdale’s Vision for the year 2024 is to be a place where everyone can live a larger life and reach their potential. For too many people drug use is preventing this, and drug related deaths have a devastating impact on family members and communities.
“Although there are many complex challenges to this work, it’s vital that we can support those suffering from drug related problems to get the help they need.
“This additional grant funding would help support the important work already taking place and implement sustained improvements to both drug prevention work and tailored recovery work. All of which would help some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.”
The report covering the Implementation of the National Drug Strategy in Calderdale, will be discussed at the meeting of the Council’s Cabinet on Monday 10 October. The meeting will be held at Halifax Town Hall from 6pm and will also be streamed online.