Category Archives: Business

Businesses in Calderdale are invited to a free two-day event packed with expert advice to help their enterprise grow and flourish. The Let’s Do Business event, hosted by Business Growth Calderdale on behalf of Calderdale Council, aims to provide small and medium sized businesses with the knowledge, confidence and connections to help them succeed and… read more … about Free expert advice at Let’s Do Business event>>

Cllr Jane Scullion

Two of Calderdale’s flagship regeneration projects have been shortlisted for the Insider Yorkshire Property Industry Awards 2022. The Northgate House commercial development is a finalist in the Fit-out / Refurbishment of the Year category, and the Beech Hill housing scheme is up for Residential Development of the Year (in the ‘more than 100 homes’ sub-category)…. read more … about Shortlist success for transformational projects>>

Northgate House, Halifax

New investment to improve people’s life chances and boost local pride, skills, pay, jobs and business growth, will be discussed at Calderdale Council’s next Cabinet meeting.  On Monday 8 August, Cabinet Members will be asked to approve access to new government funding that would support the Council’s priorities to reduce inequalities, support thriving towns and… read more … about Proposed funding to boost talent and resilience in Calderdale>>

Cllr Jane Scullion, Calderdale Council's Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Resources

Visitors to Brighouse will be encouraged to spend longer and spend more by creating a more welcoming, attractive and healthy town centre as part of the planned £19 million investment through The Brighouse Deal. Alongside the Market Revitalisation project, outlined at an Open Day in May, the business cases being developed include proposals to: improve… read more … about Encouraging visitors to spend longer and spend more in Brighouse>>

Commercial Street, Brighouse

Joint press release with West Yorkshire Combined Authority Wednesday 13 July: Elsie Whiteley Innovation Centre: 11am until 2pm  A new business support programme offering free and tailored advice for new businesses or budding entrepreneurs is launching this week in Calderdale. Start-Up West Yorkshire(external link), Calderdale, is a new initiative, led by the Mayor of West… read more … about Launch of Start-Up West Yorkshire, Calderdale>>

Alixe from FedUP - a local animation business.

Local tourism businesses and people looking for a new career in the industry are invited to a major event to harness Calderdale’s growing tourism economy. Visit Calderdale is hosting the Calderdale Tourism Conference on Tuesday 5 July at The Shay Stadium in Halifax, from 9.30am to 1pm. The free event is open to retail, food… read more … about Conference to showcase value of tourism in Calderdale>>

The Brighouse Deal will put high-tech manufacturing at the heart of the town’s future by creating an Industry 4.0 Hub where small and medium sized businesses can explore how digital technology can improve their productivity and increase innovation. Calderdale College is leading the delivery of the project alongside the University of Huddersfield, Textile Centre of… read more … about Putting high-tech manufacturing at the heart of the future of Brighouse>>

Engineering at Calderdale College

Press release in partnership with the BIPC Leeds City Region  Aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners across the region are encouraged to visit their local library to access free support to start, run or grow their own business in West Yorkshire.  The Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Leeds City Region is open for business at… read more … about West Yorkshire business owners and entrepreneurs encouraged to get free support through the Business & IP Centre Leeds City Region>>

Central Library

Calderdale businesses which have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are invited to apply for a new business rates relief scheme. At the end of last year, the Government announced the introduction of the COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) scheme, supporting businesses affected by the pandemic but ineligible for previous support linked to business… read more … about Further support for businesses affected by the pandemic>>

Cllr Dacre