Category Archives: Consultation

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet last night unveiled an ambitious programme to be delivered over the next 100 days. The Leader of Calderdale Council, Cllr Tim Swift said: “Vision2024 gives us a five year framework of what we want Calderdale to be like by the borough’s 50th birthday.  We have a range of priority areas which will… read more … about Ambitious plans for first 100 days>>

Cllr Swift

Time is running out for people to have their say on plans for a £30million scheme to improve walking, cycling and bus travel and reduce journey times between Halifax and Huddersfield. Engagement events have been taking place in Halifax, Elland and Huddersfield, where designs have been on display for the scheme – the final project in… read more … about Last chance to shape major travel improvement scheme>>

Next Chapter

The next phase of improvement works on the A629 between Halifax and Huddersfield has moved a step closer, with the submission of the planning application for the Calder and Hebble junction. The A629 is a key route through the borough, and the planned major upgrade will reduce journey times, relieve congestion and improve pedestrian and cycling… read more … about Next step for A629 improvements>>

People are being invited to have their say about the future of Halifax Rail Station, to help shape major improvement plans. Early designs for a major upgrade of Halifax Rail Station were approved by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet earlier this year. Plans are progressing well and the project is working towards submitting an outline business case… read more … about Have your say on station upgrade plans>>

Saturday 22 September is the last in a series of drop-in events for people to find out more about Calderdale Council’s planned improvements to the local road network. The event also offers a chance to see initial ideas for a Sowerby Bridge ‘masterplan’. The event at Sowerby Bridge Market runs from 10am – 2pm and… read more … about Designs on display for Sowerby Bridge masterplan>>

Cllr Barry Collins

Over 140 responses to Calderdale’s draft Local Plan have now been registered with the Council as the representation period enters its final days.  The final draft of the Local Plan was published on the Council’s website on Friday 10 August 2018, marking the start of a six week period during which members of the public,… read more … about Last chance to have your say on the Local Plan>>

Cllr Daniel Sutherland

There’s now less than a month for LGBTQ+ people to have their say about the support available in Calderdale and how they feel about their own mental health and wellbeing. 1 in 4 adults will experience mental health issues and national studies suggest a higher level within the LGBTQ+ community. Calderdale Council is asking anyone… read more … about Tell us what you think about our LGBTQ+ support>>

People are being asked to have their say about plans for the future of Norland Moor.  Norland Moor is a well-used upland heath area above Sowerby Bridge and Greetland. It covers 93 acres and is the largest outdoor resource owned by Calderdale Council. It’s also a designated Local Nature Reserve and Local Wildlife Site.  Calderdale… read more … about Have your say on plans for Norland Moor>>

Children on Norland Moor

Plans for exciting, new leisure facilities in Halifax are taking another step forward, as Calderdale Council’s Cabinet discuss proposals for a new combined leisure centre and swimming pool. Currently, Halifax has two town centre sports provision sites, Halifax Swimming Pool and North Bridge Leisure Centre. Both facilities are dated and require significant ongoing maintenance to… read more … about New leisure centre moves a step closer>>