A month-long festival celebrating the culture and diversity of Calderdale is coming to the west Halifax area this June. Flavourfest brings together events and activities within the Park and Warley areas of Calderdale, which are some of the most culturally vibrant and distinctive places in the borough. The festival is supported by Calderdale Council, with… read more … about Celebrating Flavourfest in west Halifax>>
Category Archives: Talented
ISCAL in Halifax is hosting an open day to demonstrate the facilities at the site and highlight the opportunities available to support people into employment. ISCAL is owned and operated by Calderdale Council and helps local people with disabilities or other barriers to work to move into employment. ISCAL is also one of the country’s… read more … about Find out more about employment support with ISCAL>>
Local voluntary and community groups in Calderdale are encouraged to apply for funding of up to £3,000 as part of the Council’s Community Small Grants programme, which relaunches this February. The programme was suspended in 2020 due to the COVID-19 emergency. As the Council continues to focus on supporting the borough’s recovery, the Small Grant… read more … about Relaunch of small grants scheme to support local groups>>
Calderdale residents are being asked to share their thoughts about what it’s like to live in the borough to help inform ambitions for the future. The Vision perception survey gathers the views of local residents each year to help shape the Vision for Calderdale, as the borough approaches its 50th birthday in the year 2024…. read more … about Have your say and help shape Calderdale’s future>>
The popular Get Organised event is back for 2021, for young people in Calderdale to find out more about the options available after GCSEs. On Tuesday 12 October, Calderdale Council, in partnership with Leeds Beckett University, is hosting a special virtual event, primarily aimed at students in Year 11 and their families. The event is… read more … about Virtual event helps young people to Get Organised>>
Calderdale organisations, including community groups, charities and schools can now apply for funding from the £1million Climate Emergency Fund, to support projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions in the borough Calderdale Council is working in partnership with Community Foundation for Calderdale (CFFC) to launch the £1million fund to enable local communities to lead work to… read more … about Launch of £1million Climate Emergency Fund>>
An ambitious six-month plan to help Calderdale’s residents, businesses and environment to bounce back and thrive will be discussed at the first Cabinet meeting since the local election, on Monday 7 June. The Council’s newly elected administration has set out its priorities for the next six months, following the major challenges of flooding in February… read more … about A strong future for Calderdale>>
Local community and voluntary sector groups are invited to share ideas to support Calderdale’s journey towards a carbon neutral future. As a borough, Calderdale aims to be carbon neutral by 2038 at the latest, with significant progress by 2030. It’s hoped this will be achieved even sooner with in-house emissions and significant progress has already… read more … about Survey to support a carbon neutral Calderdale>>
Calderdale Council, in partnership with the Community Foundation for Calderdale, is coordinating Calderdale Live – a virtual charity concert featuring some of the local area’s best known and most talented entertainers. The lockdown line-up will be broadcast live on Calderdale Council’s Facebook and Twitter pages on Thursday 16 April 2020, between 6pm and 8pm. It… read more … about Calderdale Live – an evening of entertainment direct into your living room>>