Elland Station has moved a step closer to becoming a reality after the Investment Committee at the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) recommended the allocation of £20 million to the scheme.
The decision was taken by the Investment Committee last week, after a review of a new scheme for the station.
Cllr Barry Collins, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development, said:
“This is great news for Elland, in the town’s 700th anniversary year. It’s also a massive step forward in the Council’s rail development plans. We know how much local people need a train station, and delivering it is one of our top priorities.
“The proposed scheme takes advantage of funding that had previously been identified to improve line speeds along the Calder Valley route. These are now being delivered as part of a separate programme by Network Rail, freeing up £20 million from the West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund for the Elland project.
“Station construction is only one element of the plan. It also includes a bus-rail interchange; a dedicated car park, enabling a park and ride service, a new footbridge over the River Calder and improved road, cycle and pedestrian links between the station, the town centre and neighbouring areas.”
There is a strong economic case for opening a station at Elland, since studies have shown that it has the potential to bring up to 1500 new, high quality jobs to the area. Local firms have also indicated that the station will make further investment in the area more likely because of improved connectivity with the rest of the region.
The Council has been working hard with WYCA and the rail industry to develop Elland Station for several years and the new scheme has the full support of Northern and Network Rail.
An outline business case will be finalised by WYCA in December 2018 and it is anticipated that the station will be completed by early 2022.