People in Calderdale are being asked for their comments on two planning documents designed to guide the types of new housing being delivered in the borough.
From Friday 30 June, Calderdale Council is launching a consultation on documents known as the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and the Self and Custom Build SPD.
There is a need for more affordable housing both at a local level and regionally, with the issue included in the Mayor of West Yorkshire’s pledges. In Calderdale there are over 7000 people on the waiting list for social housing and only just over 700 social housing allocations in the last year. In addition, private rents have increased by around 12% in the last 12 months.
Adoption of the Local Plan represents an opportunity to significantly increase the completion rate of affordable housing, particularly from privately developed sites. The SPD will build upon and provide more detailed advice or guidance on policies in an adopted local plan.
The Council is asking for feedback on the draft Affordable Housing SPD, which sets out guidance about the amount of affordable housing required on different development sites, the type of affordable housing required and the process for securing affordable housing. It is intended to guide developers when preparing proposals and council officers when considering applications and drawing up agreements.
Feedback is also being sought on the Self and Custom Build Housing Supplementary Planning Document. This is a type of housebuilding where someone directly organises the design and construction of their own home (self build) or they work with a developer to deliver their own home to match individual requirements (custom build).
The Self and Custom Build Housing Supplementary Planning Document is intended to manage the process by which developers will be expected to deliver self-build housing plots and guides Council officers in decision making. Self and custom housebuilding is a key element of the Government’s agenda to increase supply and tackle the housing crisis.
The Leader of Calderdale Council, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) help to guide development in the borough, providing details about the type of housing needed to meet local requirements.
“We know that both at a local and regional level there is a need for more affordable housing, and we want to enable the creation of more much-needed quality homes in places where people want to live. At a regional level the SPD will help to deliver the Mayoral Pledge to build 5,000 sustainable homes, including council houses and affordable homes.
“We would like to receive feedback from local people about the Affordable Housing and Self and Custom Build SPDs. The comments received will be used to shape the final documents that, when adopted, will help make a meaningful contribution to the overall supply of housing in the area and consequently to the delivery of the Local Plan.”
Both documents are available to view at http://calderdale.gov.uk/spds and are also available at libraries and other council buildings. Comments can be submitted online via the consultation portal(external link), by email at spatial.planning@calderdale.gov.uk or by post to Spatial Planning, Planning Services, Town Hall, Halifax, HX1 1UJ. The deadline for providing feedback is on 5pm on Friday 28 July 2023.
The Council will consider responses received during the public consultation and will then proceed to prepare final versions of the SPDs to be adopted by full Council later this year.
Calderdale’s Local Plan supports the Vision 2024 for Calderdale themes of distinctiveness, resilience and enterprise. The year 2024 marks Calderdale’s 50th birthday. Where do we want to be by 2024? Get involved with the debate on Twitter with #VisionCdale2024 and find out more at www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision