
How does Calderdale compare?

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Calderdale residents can now see how the Council rates against other northern boroughs, with the launch of the new performance dashboard website. 

Calderdale Council’s mission is to ‘be the best borough in the north’. To achieve this, the Council is focusing on three priorities – grow the economy, reduce inequalities, and build a sustainable future.

To measure success in these areas, 15 key measures have been selected – five for each of the key priorities. Performance has been rated in each measure and ranked against 20 other northern boroughs.

One of the measures where we have exceeded the set target is employment rate. In Calderdale 75.9% of working age adults are in employment. This puts Calderdale 4th among the 20 boroughs in the north and performing well against others regionally and nationally.

The dashboard also allows people to see the progress over time. It shows that since 2010/11 the employment rate figure has increased from 69.3% to its current rate – a marked improvement in six years.

Every measure has its own data, so explore each to see how Calderdale compares.

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Business Change and Customer Service, Cllr Lisa Lambert, said:

“Achieving our ambition of becoming the best borough in the north is not an easy task, but we need to see how we’re currently performing to be able to identify the areas in which we need to improve.

“The performance dashboard site sets out the 15 key areas where we need to excel to become the best borough, and ranks them in an easy to understand way, showing what we’re good at, and where we need to improve.

“It’s great that we’re already one of the top boroughs in the north for rates of employment, but there are areas where we need to do better and we’re working hard to improve these by looking at different ways of working.”

To visit the dashboard and see how Calderdale compares, visit and search for ‘Council performance’ or click

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