A week-long programme of events will highlight that safeguarding vulnerable children and adults is everyone’s business.
Practitioners and managers across Calderdale and West Yorkshire will be able to get involved in Safeguarding Week (Monday 19 to Friday 23 June), an annual campaign to explore important safeguarding issues, start conversations and raise awareness of safeguarding best practice to protect vulnerable children and adults.
All regional and local events will spread the message that everyone has a responsibility to make sure the people around us are safe and cared for. Reporting safeguarding concerns is important to ensure that children and adults most at risk get the support they need. There is always someone available to help, and a partnership of organisations are working intensively to prevent these issues across Calderdale and West Yorkshire.
This year, Calderdale Safeguarding Partnerships are taking part in a West Yorkshire-wide Safeguarding Week. Each authority is hosting a day to present a topic, ranging from financial abuse and safeguarding, to trauma-informed care and types of neglect.
Calderdale Safeguarding Partnerships are hosting on Thursday 22 June, with an online event from 10am to 1pm covering the impact of adversity in childhood, led by Catherine Knibbs, an author, researcher and Child and Adult Trauma Psychotherapist. Catherine will talk about how difficult home experiences such as adversity, poverty, crime, technology-influenced behaviours and trauma can impact early experiences through to adolescence, and leave a legacy in adulthood. Book your place at Cot to College to Childbearing Ages in Adulthood(external link).
Calderdale’s Safeguarding Children Partnership, Safeguarding Adult Board and other organisations are also hosting local events throughout the week, as part of a borough-specific Calderdale Safeguarding Week. Topics will include parental mental health, addressing child exploitation, online grooming, domestic abuse and money-related safeguarding issues. The full events programme and booking details can be found at https://safeguarding.calderdale.gov.uk
Cllr Jane Scullion, Calderdale Council’s Leader, said:
“Calderdale is known for its kindness, and an important part of this is looking out for children and adults around us who might be more vulnerable. Knowing when something doesn’t seem right and how to report concerns is crucial for getting them the support they need. That’s why we say that safeguarding is everyone’s business, as we all have a role to play in helping each other and keeping each other safe.
“If you report an issue, the Council, the Safeguarding Children Partnership, the Safeguarding Adult Board and our partner organisations will take it very seriously and do all we can to ensure the appropriate support is provided and people are protected from harm.
“This year’s Safeguarding Week events give people an even bigger range of opportunities to learn more, as we’re joining forces with the whole West Yorkshire region.”
If you are concerned about a child, please call MAST (Multi-Agency Screening Team) on 01422 393336.
If you need guidance or advice regarding an adult at risk, you can call Gateway to Care on 01422 393000.
You can also call the out of hours Emergency Duty Team on 01422 288000. In an emergency where there is a threat to life or serious injury, call 999. If you are concerned that a crime has been committed, call 101.
Visit https://safeguarding.calderdale.gov.uk for more information on how to get support and to report any safeguarding concerns.