During Calderdale’s sixth annual Safeguarding Week (Monday 22 – Friday 26 June 2020), a range of virtual events and resources will raise awareness of safeguarding issues and how to support the borough’s most vulnerable children and adults.
Safeguarding is just as important, if not more, during the COVID-19 outbreak. Lockdown and social distancing may make the signs of abuse less visible.
The week-long programme of events will be hosted by Calderdale Safeguarding Adults Board, Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership, Calderdale Community Safety Partnership, West Yorkshire Police, health organisations and voluntary groups. The aim is to highlight that support is always available – including throughout the pandemic – and that everyone has a responsibility to report safeguarding concerns.
Our work is focused on preventing domestic abuse, child sexual exploitation, human trafficking and fraud. There has been a growing number of scams during the coronavirus outbreak. The latest was a fake email to Calderdale residents, falsely claiming they’re due to receive a Council Tax Reduction / refund – be vigilant!
Cllr Tim Swift, Calderdale Council’s Leader, said:
“Safeguarding is everyone’s business. We encourage people to get involved in Safeguarding Week to learn more about the support available to protect vulnerable children and adults across our communities. It’s also about raising awareness of what people should do if they’re concerned about someone they know.
“Throughout the week, there are virtual events and links to a range of videos, information and organisations that provide support locally and nationally.”
Each day of Calderdale Safeguarding Week will have a different theme. The events have moved online this year due to social distancing, and will include films, live training, podcasts and presentations. The content will be delivered by a range of contributors, including academics, trainers and local organisations that support children, families, adults and practitioners.
The full list of events and resources will be available at https://safeguarding.calderdale.gov.uk/awareness-week/ during Safeguarding Week, but here are just some examples:
Monday 22 June: Kindness / safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
- Online film – message from Helen Madden, West Yorkshire Police Lead for Partnerships and Early Action in Calderdale, about the importance of partnership working and recent developments in local policing.
- Easy-read PowerPoint presentation explaining adult safeguarding – Everyone Has a Right to Feel Safe: Speak up about the Unspeakable.
- Handbook covering all aspects of safeguarding.
Tuesday 23 June: Domestic abuse and the impact on children; peer-on-peer abuse; stalking; controlling and coercive behaviour; reducing parental conflict
- Online film – Surfaces: A chilling yet ultimately hopeful portrayal of loss, coercion and domestic violence.
- Online films, e-learning and resources on topics such as forced marriage, parental conflict and the impact of domestic abuse on children, signposting to a range of organisations’ websites where people can get support.
Wednesday 24 June: Adverse childhood experiences and transitions from childhood to adulthood
- Online animation explaining adverse childhood experiences.
- Advice and support for young people with learning disabilities transitioning into adult services.
- Advice for parents and carers of children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, often with complex and unpredictable health needs as they move into adulthood.
Thursday 25 June: Online safety, scams and exploitation
- Free online training from Friends Against Scams, to help protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams.
- Online presentation, approved by the Department for Education, explaining online extremism.
- Powerful videos aimed at students – ‘Sponsor a Child Trafficker’ and ‘Don’t Be Fooled – Money Mules’.
- Podcasts by young people, for young people – Top Tips for Staying Safe Online.
Friday 26 June: Promoting resilience, emotional health and wellbeing
- Signposting to tools for children and young people, including the kooth.com website to support emotional wellbeing, and the ChatHealth text messaging service where young people can get advice from a healthcare professional anonymously.
- A guide to COVID-19 health and wellbeing resources for families.
If you are concerned about a child please call MAST on 01422 393336. If you need guidance or advice regarding an adult at risk, you can call Gateway to Care on 01422 393000.
You can also call the out of hours Emergency Duty Team on 01422 288000. In an emergency where there is a threat to life or serious injury, call 999. If you are concerned a crime has been committed call 101.
Visit https://safeguarding.calderdale.gov.uk/ for more information on how to get support and to report any safeguarding concerns.
For up-to-date and reliable information about COVID-19, use trusted sources such as:
www.gov.uk/coronavirus(external link)