
Managing Council assets

Cllr Mike Payne

Local people are invited to Southgate Methodist Church in Elland on Wednesday 1 November, as the Strategy and Performance Scrutiny Board look at Council buildings in the town and how the Council manages its estate.

Since 2013, the Council has transformed how it manages its property estate with a number of surplus buildings and land transferred to community ownership or sold. Other buildings have been remodelled to provide more efficient delivery of services and members of the scrutiny board will look at how buildings in Elland are being used or are planned to be used.

One focus will be Elland library, which is due be refurbished as a new locality hub to deliver a range of Council services. This is one part of the Asset Review Programme, which was agreed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet in September 2017.

The scrutiny board will review the current position of the programme and contribute to the planned way forward. Their views will also be fed into the continuing development and delivery of the programme.

The Chair of the Strategy and Performance Scrutiny Board, Cllr Mike Payne, said:

“Over the years, the Council has accumulated a large number of assets, and as the way we deliver services changes, not all of these are still useful.

“To ensure that the Council’s estate is properly managed and the most made of the buildings we continue to run, we want to take a look at the Council’s asset management plans.

“As part of this, we have decided to take the meeting to Elland, where the board will look at some buildings earmarked for disposal as well as plans to refurbish the library to incorporate a wider range of services.”

The meeting will take place at Southgate Methodist Church, Langdale Street, Elland on Wednesday 1 November at 6pm.

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