Local businesses are being invited to a breakfast-time event to find out how they could benefit from a new business rate discount scheme, and to get expert advice on property development.
Calderdale Council is introducing the discount to help businesses with their rates when building new premises or renovating sites that have fallen out of use.
Businesses can apply for 100% relief from new business rates for 12 months from occupying newly built or refurbished premises. The aim is to boost business growth and create new jobs for local people, by opening up new sites and buildings to house Calderdale’s growing firms and attract new businesses.
As well as explaining the scheme, the free business breakfast event on Thursday 16 July in the Crossley Gallery at Dean Clough, Halifax, will include presentations from property professionals about the practicalities of turning a business need for extra floor space into reality. It takes place from 7.30am to 9.30am. Breakfast is provided and there will be opportunities to network with other businesses.
One speaker at the event will be local property developer John Radcliffe of John Radcliffe & Sons. The Council supported John to progress the development of Gannex Park in Elland – former home to the iconic Gannex Mill – for high-quality business premises. Its first unit is the headquarters for local company KT Hydraulics, whose turnover has doubled since occupation. John will give tips on the stages of property development, including finding a site, getting planning permission, securing finance, appointing contractors, practical completion and occupation.
A number of organisations will also be exhibiting at the event so businesses will have the opportunity to discuss issues around property development with a range of experts.
Cllr Barry Collins, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development, said:
“As part of our business and economy strategy we are working with landowners, private developers and businesses to identify obstacles stopping sites coming forward for development. We know that moving to larger premises increases business rate bills, so our temporary discount aims to give businesses a helping hand and encourage the building of new premises and improvement of older buildings.
“Therefore we are pleased to launch our new discount scheme at the latest of our popular business breakfast events. We urge local companies to come along to find out how they could benefit from the scheme, and to get expert advice on the practicalities of property development. This is all part of our work to reoccupy 250,000 square feet of unused floor space and bring 50 hectares of employment land forward by 2020.”
Register for the event on the Eventbrite(external link) website.