Calderdale Council is looking for a range of alternative ways of funding projects that benefit local communities, which will be discussed at its Cabinet meeting on Monday 29 July.
Options include crowdfunding, a Council lottery and philanthropic donations.
Cllr Jane Scullion, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Resources, said:
“The Council’s money is being stretched further due to significant budget pressures and increased demand for services. However, we recognise the importance of continuing to support services and projects across Calderdale. We’re looking into a range of enterprising ways to make essential savings, whilst maintaining the things that people value and delivering the Vision2024 for Calderdale.”
Enterprise is a key theme of the Vision and is all about being creative and exploring new ideas.
In February 2018, Budget Council agreed the introduction of a Council lottery scheme, and Cabinet is now being asked to give approval for this to be procured and developed. This would help to keep Calderdale’s voluntary and community groups thriving, giving residents the chance to support them by buying lottery tickets to raise money for local good causes.
Crowdfunding is already being used by some other councils to support community projects, particularly those with social and environmental benefits, and to actively involve the community in the process.
During the Council’s budget consultation, businesses asked whether there were ways they could help protect or invest in certain services, so the Council is also exploring the possibility of philanthropic donations.
Further research would be needed to assess the above options and make more detailed proposals on how they could benefit the borough.
The national Local Access programme, established by Access and Big Society Capital, could provide another way of improving resilience in the voluntary and community sector. Calderdale is one of 12 areas in the UK chosen to take part in the new social investment scheme to help grow the economy and reduce poverty and inequality. Five of the 12 places will go on to receive a share of £33 million to help charities and social enterprises to thrive through better access to advice, learning and flexible capital.
The Cabinet meeting will take place on Monday 29 July at Halifax Town Hall at 6pm.
The options up for discussion support the Vision2024 for Calderdale themes of enterprise, resilience and kindness. The year 2024 marks Calderdale’s 50th birthday. Where do we want to be by 2024? Get involved with the debate on Twitter with #VisionCdale2024 and find out more at www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision