Last night, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet heard how the actions delivered as part of the First 100 Days plan are making a real difference to people in Calderdale. In June this year, Calderdale Council’s administration unveiled an ambitious programme to be delivered over the next 100 days. The actions in the plan were set out under… read more … about First 100 Days delivers real change>>
Category Archives: Safeguarding
Children looked after by Calderdale Council will now have more opportunity to stay closer to schools, friends and family, as the provision for care within the borough is being increased. Calderdale Council is responsible for the care of young people who cannot safely remain with their families, finding placements for them in foster care and… read more … about Improving care options for young people in Calderdale>>
Calderdale Safeguarding Week is back for 2019 from Monday 24 to Sunday 30 June. Now in its fifth year, Calderdale Safeguarding Adults Board and the Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership will host a week-long, packed programme of events aimed at raising awareness about abuse and safeguarding issues. This year’s theme is ‘See me, hear me, know… read more … about Join in with Safeguarding Week 2019>>
On Monday 1 April 2019, the Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board (CSCB) became the Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP). This change follows the Department for Education’s Working Together to Safeguard Children report from July 2018 which introduced Safeguarding Children Partnerships to replace local Safeguarding Children Boards across the country. These new legal requirements make local police,… read more … about Working together to safeguard children>>
The strong partnership working in Calderdale to safeguard children from harm (currently known as Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board) has been given a great opportunity to make further improvements to local safeguarding arrangements, following the introduction of new guidance from the Department for Education. New legal requirements make local police, councils and health services jointly responsible… read more … about Working together to safeguard children>>
Tackling domestic abuse, mental health, forced marriage and providing awareness on protecting children and victims of human trafficking are all topics covered as part of West Yorkshire’s Safeguarding Week. Starting Monday (June 25), until July 1, all the local safeguarding boards and community safety partnerships across the region have joined forces with West Yorkshire’s Police… read more … about Safeguarding remains everybody’s business as partners join together for Safeguarding Week 2018>>
Councillors have welcomed the approach of Calderdale Council and its partners in their work to safeguard vulnerable people from the risks of radicalisation. At the meeting of the cross-party Place Scrutiny Board on Thursday 15 March, members heard about some of the many projects underway in the district as part of the local delivery of… read more … about Scrutiny review of the Prevent Strategy>>
Tackling mental health, raising awareness of domestic abuse and providing awareness on doorstep crime and scammers targeting the vulnerable are all topics covered as part of West Yorkshire’s Safeguarding Week. Starting on Monday 9 October, all the local safeguarding boards and community safety partnerships across the region have joined forces with West Yorkshire’s Police and… read more … about Safeguarding is top of the agenda across West Yorkshire>>