Two years ago we came together as health and care leaders in place committing to collaborating at a local level through establishing Calderdale Cares. This work is now more important than ever.
This joint statement from the leaders of health and care organisations sets out what we are doing together and also what you can do to help us. Together, we will get through this.
We have already seen how people in Calderdale and our staff in all our organisations are cooperating and showing great kindness, resilience and understanding at this incredibly difficult time. Thank you for that.
We all have a role to play in facing the extraordinary challenge of COVID-19. We will do our best to make sure we continue to provide the services people use every day – from health and social care to refuse collection. We will also do our best to facilitate volunteering, as our residents demonstrate their innate kindness.
What we ask from everyone who lives or works in Calderdale is that we all follow the national guidance to stay at home(external link) unless it’s absolutely essential to go out. The only reasons you may leave home are:
- to go to work (but work from home if possible);
- to shop for groceries, medicine and other essentials (infrequently);
- to exercise outside (once a day);
- to provide care or help a vulnerable person, or
- for any medical need. Please stay away from your GP practice. Call your surgery if you need an appointment or repeat prescription. More information can be found at nhs.uk/coronavirus(external link)
The virus will continue to spread if we do not follow the Government’s advice. The health and wellbeing of every single one of us, young and old, of good health or in poor health, depends on the actions we do or do not take today.
During this time, it’s also important to look after ourselves. The Active Calderdale website (https://active.calderdale.gov.uk/) has some great ideas on how to exercise at home. Physical activity can also support good mental health, which is equally important. Our ask of the people who call Calderdale home is to stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy as best we can. And keep an eye out for your neighbours and communities, to make sure they’re doing the same.
All the organisations providing health and care services for Calderdale residents have separate responsibilities for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are all working within the context of Government advice that you can find here: Coronavirus (COVID-19) government response(external link).
There are a number of areas where we are working together to complement our individual organisations’ responses.
The key things we are doing are:
- Delivering our shared priority to support people who are ill, worried or need advice or other support.
- Working together to reduce the spread of the virus by continuing to review and adapt every service and activity we undertake.
- Wherever possible, we are asking our staff to work from home as much as they can, but we recognise some staff are in business-critical roles where they can’t do this.
- Working together with private organisations and businesses, whether they are private hospitals, nursing or care homes, care providers or the suppliers of essential clinical equipment or supplies, so that we can provide the best care that we can for people who are ill.
- Calderdale is a place where people are generous with their time and support, particularly in times of crisis, and we are supporting and working with voluntary organisations to make the best use of people’s skills, time and energy.
- Particularly looking out for the most vulnerable people in our communities and continuing to find ways to help people to support their neighbours.
- Redeploying colleagues across our organisations to fill any gaps in vital services because of illness, or because workers have been required to stay at home.
- Doing everything we can to look after the physical and mental health of our staff.
- Working together to make the best use of the support that may come from the Government or other sources.
Together we are doing everything we can to mitigate the impact of the virus, and to support all Calderdale residents, whether they have symptoms of the virus, are staying at home, or have no symptoms but need to know what to do to keep themselves healthy, and to minimise the spread of the virus. We are also working with local businesses to enhance their resilience as they face the most difficult of circumstances.
Globally, nationally and locally this is a fast-changing environment. We cannot be certain what tomorrow or next week will bring. We know how worrying this may be and we will keep on communicating with you in all possible ways.
Our future has always been in collaboration and never more so than now.
Thank you again for all your hard work as part of our health and care system in Calderdale for our communities.
Cllr Tim Swift – Leader, Calderdale Council
Dr Steven Cleasby – Chair, Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group
Owen Williams – Chief Executive, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
Rob Webster – Chief Executive, South West Yorkshire NHS Partnership Foundation Trust
Robin Tuddenham – Chief Executive, Calderdale Council
Neil Smurthwaite – Deputy Chief Officer, Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group
Karen Jackson – Chief Executive, Locala Community Partnerships
Dipika Kaushal – Chief Executive Officer, Voluntary Action Calderdale