Calderdale needs foster carers, and this Foster Care Fortnight the Council is stepping up its campaign to recruit more.
Foster Care Fortnight (Monday 13 – Friday 24 May), is the UK’s biggest foster care awareness raising campaign, delivered by leading fostering charity, The Fostering Network.
In support of this, members of Calderdale Council’s fostering team will be hosting a special takeover event at Brighouse Parkrun on Saturday 18 May. Runners will be dressed in bright blue fostering t-shirts and Calderdale staff and foster carers will be handing out information and answering any questions.
Other events will be taking place throughout the fortnight to encourage more people to consider fostering. These include information stalls at Eureka Museum on Friday 17 May and at Todmorden Carnival on Saturday 25 May.
Calderdale Council’s Director for Children and Young People’s Services, Julie Jenkins, said:
“Fostering with Calderdale Council means becoming part of a team that does everything it can to help young people live their lives to the full. We’re always looking for people to become foster carers and help make a difference to a young person’s life.
“This Foster Care Fortnight we’re holding special information events for people to find out more about how fostering could work for them. There’ll be lots of information available and there will be the chance to talk to existing foster carers about their experiences.
“We’d also welcome people to join in at our Parkrun event, whether it’s running, walking or just supporting – everyone is welcome.”
Fostering is an incredibly rewarding experience. People who are looking for a new challenge and have a spare bedroom are encouraged to get in touch. To find out more, visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/fostering or contact our friendly fostering team to find out more on 01422 266020.