Work on the permanent Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for Halifax town centre is well underway, with the first public notice of the proposed new order being advertised by Calderdale Council on 19 December 2014.
The notice is a legal requirement which marks the start of the 21 day public consultation on the new order.
On street parking charges were lifted in Halifax town centre on 8 October 2014, after it became clear that some of the Council’s TROs cannot be legally enforced.
A temporary TRO, which allows the Council to enforce time limits on parking bays, has been in place since 7 November 2014.
Calderdale Council’s Director of Economy and Environment, Ian Gray said:
“We have now drafted the permanent TRO for Halifax town centre and have put right the errors which were made in our previous order. The next step is to publish our proposals and give people the opportunity to respond with their comments.
“We expect that the new TRO will be ready by mid-February 2015.”
Notices showing the proposals for the new order will be available to view on street in Halifax town centre from 19 December 2014.
There are no proposals to make any changes to the designated parking or loading spaces, or to any of the parking restrictions which were previously in place under the old TRO.
The Council is also proposing to reintroduce all pay and display charges in all marked parking bays at the previous rate of 50p for up to 30 minutes; £1 for up to one hour; £1.50 for up to 11/2 hours and £2 for up to two hours. Charges will apply between 8.00am and 6.00pm from Monday to Saturday, excluding bank holidays.
Anyone who has objections or would like to comment on the proposed order should email proposedtro@calderdale.gov.uk, write to the Head of Planning and Highways at Westgate House, Westgate, Halifax HX1 1PS, or call 01422 392171by 9 January 2015.