This year will see an extra Father’s Day present for men in Calderdale – a whole fortnight of experiences aimed at helping them be the best parents / carers they can be.
To help inspire dads, grandads, step-dads, uncles, male carers and dads-to-be to take up the challenges they face in bringing up and supporting children aged under 5, Men as Parents fortnight (1 to 15 June) offers a range of activities and information, all tailored to men, their families and children.
Leading experts worldwide agree that care given during the first 1000 days has more influence on a child’s future than any other time in their life. During these early years of a child’s development, dads, along with the wider family, have a significant role to play in supporting the child to have the best start in life.
During the two weeks, there will be a series of Men as Parents events for men and their under 5s to experience, including: an open day at Illingworth Fire Station, Bookstart Baby sessions, support to help you encourage your child to ride a bike, pyjama reading parties at Calderdale Libraries, and ‘Getting Ready for Baby’ sessions. There’s also a chance to hear from renowned author, midwife and expert on men and parenting, Mark Harris, as he visits Calderdale.
Paul Butcher, Calderdale Council’s Director of Public Health, said:
“Our recent Men as Parents survey showed that dads and male carers of under 5s in Calderdale wanted access to more activities and information to help them improve their parenting and strengthen the connections they have with their children.
“Men as Parents fortnight is the first step to helping men to access the support they want, to give their children the best start in life. It’s great to see so many different organisations getting involved. It doesn’t matter if you’re a dad, grandad, step-dad, uncle or carer, there’s something that everyone will benefit from during the fortnight.”
For the event programme and details of the Men as Parents events, follow the updates on social media using the hashtag #menasparents or visit www.healthyearlyyears.co.uk(external link) and click on the ‘news’ section.
Various organisations are working in partnership to organise the two week campaign, including Calderdale Council, Locala Community Partnerships CiC, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, North Halifax Trust Children’s Centres and Halifax Opportunities Trust Children’s Centres.
The campaign will coincide with National Children’s Day on 1 June and Men’s Health Week (10 – 16 June).