Local residents can help make Calderdale a place where everyone moves more in their daily lives, by sharing their views on how they like to get active or what is stopping them from moving as much as they’d like.
All Calderdale residents aged 16+ are being invited to complete Active Calderdale’s annual ‘Your Views Matter’ survey for 2022, regardless of whether they feel they are physically active or not.
The 5-10 minute survey asks people to share their thoughts on their own physical and mental health, what types of activity they like most and how they feel their local area influences how easy it is to be active – such as streets, parks, leisure centres, workplaces and other parts of the community.
Active Calderdale will use the survey responses to identify the things that make it easier for everyone to be active, with the aim of introducing more of these. By also finding out more about any challenges in specific areas of the borough, Active Calderdale will look to break down barriers and target work where it will make the most difference.
Responses to the 2021 survey are already having an impact. For example, the Council is developing a new website to promote walking in Calderdale, including information about walking groups and routes, after respondents said they would like to see more walking groups and preferred to find out about physical activity opportunities online. Previous feedback is also helping to shape further active travel opportunities across the borough.
Everyone who completes the 2022 survey not only gets the chance to shape how we enable more people to be active, they can also enter a prize draw to win one of five £50 Love2Shop vouchers. To take part in the survey, visit https://online1.snapsurveys.com/YVM2022(external link)
The survey is available in several languages and paper copies can be requested by emailing activecalderdale@calderdale.gov.uk. The survey closes on Monday 6 June 2022.
Cllr Tim Swift, Calderdale Council’s Leader and Cabinet Member for Public Health, said:
“When we move, we’re stronger – physically and mentally, individually and in our communities. Resilience is important for happy and healthy people and places.
“There are so many ways to get active in Calderdale, and we want to make sure everyone can benefit from these. Our Active Calderdale mission is to work with our communities to make physical activity an embedded part of day-to-day life and to reduce inequalities.
“We’re encouraging people to fill in our Active Calderdale ‘Your Views Matter’ survey so we can help to make it easier for everyone to be more active. We want to take action that will have a lasting impact on local people’s health and wellbeing.”
Active Calderdale is one of 12 Local Delivery Pilot areas funded through Sport England and the National Lottery to tackle longstanding inequalities in activity levels.
For all the latest information and updates on the work being done in Calderdale to promote physical activity and encourage people to move more, visit https://active.calderdale.gov.uk and follow @ActiveCdale on Twitter and @ActiveCalderdale on Facebook / Instagram.