Parents of young children in Calderdale will soon have a clearer idea of their child’s development, as child progress assessments have been combined to form what will be known as the Integrated Review.
From Monday 21 September, the Early Years Foundation Stage progress check, which is received by children aged 2-3 (who are attending a childcare setting) , and the Healthy Child Programme, reviewing a child’s health and development, are being brought together, making it easier for parents to understand their child’s overall progress.
Age 2-3 is a crucial stage in a child’s development, where problems with speech, behaviour and other development issues may become visible, but there is still time to make a real difference.
Parents will be invited by their Health Visitor to complete a short questionnaire about their child’s progress and when this is put together with the Two Year Old Progress Check carried out in childcare settings, parents can be sure their child will get a strong start in life.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, Cllr Megan Swift, said:
“Children develop at different rates, but age 2 to 3 is an important time for children and parents. By getting a fuller picture of the rate each child is progressing at this crucial time, it will allow parents to more easily understand their child’s development and help us to provide the support the child needs to get the best start in life.”
For more information about early years, visit http://www.calderdale.gov.uk/education/childcare/providers/education.html