Category Archives: Advice and benefits

A £1.8 million fund is set to support people in Calderdale who are struggling with money. As part of the ongoing cost of living help available across the borough, Calderdale Council is distributing its £1.8 million share of the Government’s Household Support Fund. The Fund provides crisis support to a wide range of low-income households… read more … about More cost of living support to help people out of hardship>>

The continued impact of the cost of living crisis on Calderdale residents is being recognised in the Council’s Anti-Poverty Annual Report and Action Plan. At the meeting of Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 11 December, members will consider the Anti-Poverty Annual Report and Action Plan, which outlines the work taking place across the borough by… read more … about Working together to tackle poverty>>

Cllr Jenny Lynn, Calderdale Council's Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities

Residents in Calderdale who may be eligible for fully funded insulation works will soon receive a letter advising of the scheme and how to benefit. Calderdale Council has secured government funding to help residents improve the warmth and efficiency of their homes with free insulation. The scheme which runs until March 2023 is offering fully… read more … about Supporting residents to improve the energy efficiency of their home>>

Loft insulation being fitted by an expert

Residents in Calderdale will soon receive important advice to support them to stay warm, safe and well throughout this winter. The latest version of the Winter Wise guide will soon arrive on the doorsteps of all households in Calderdale. The guide has been created by Calderdale Council in partnership with the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care… read more … about Showing kindness and staying Winter Wise>>

Winter wise

Calderdale residents of State Pension age or over are encouraged to check if they’re entitled to extra support in the form of Pension Credit. Pension Credit is extra money to help with the cost of living. People may be eligible even if they have other income, savings or assets. It’s estimated that around a third… read more … about Residents urged to check eligibility for extra support>>

Cllr Tim Swift

ISCAL in Halifax is hosting an open day to demonstrate the facilities at the site and highlight the opportunities available to support people into employment.  ISCAL is owned and operated by Calderdale Council and helps local people with disabilities or other barriers to work to move into employment. ISCAL is also one of the country’s… read more … about Find out more about employment support with ISCAL>>


Calderdale Council is working to ensure that all eligible households receive the Government’s £150 Council Tax rebate, aimed at helping with rising energy costs. Residents living in households in Council Tax bands A- D (excluding second or empty properties), will be eligible for the rebate. This means that around 83,000 households in Calderdale could benefit… read more … about Supporting local families to receive £150 Council Tax rebate>>

Cllr Dacre

This national Empty Homes Week, (Monday 28 February – Sunday 6 March) Calderdale Council is highlighting the support available and the work that takes place to help bring empty properties back into use. Long-term empty homes can cause nuisance to neighbours, potentially attracting anti-social behaviour and vandalism, as well as being a wasted resource in… read more … about Support available to turn empty houses into happy homes>>

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