Residents in Calderdale who may be eligible for fully funded insulation works will soon receive a letter advising of the scheme and how to benefit.
Calderdale Council has secured government funding to help residents improve the warmth and efficiency of their homes with free insulation.
The scheme which runs until March 2023 is offering fully funded cavity wall insulation and/or loft insulation to eligible homeowners. Private renting tenants are also able to apply, however landlords must contribute one third of the total costs.
With the cost of energy bills continuing to increase, the Council is working with local energy experts YES Energy Solutions to help residents save money whilst keeping warm.
Homes will be surveyed as part of the scheme to assess which of the energy efficiency improvements are suitable.
Letters are being sent to homes which have been identified as potentially being able to benefit from the scheme, which offer advice about eligibility and how the Council and YES can arrange installations.
To qualify, residents must have a household income of £31,000 or less, or receive means tested benefits. Properties must also be suitable for the insulation available in the scheme and have a low energy efficiency rating.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Resilience, with responsibility for housing, Cllr Scott Patient, said:
“Quality insulation can make a huge difference in keeping homes warmer for longer. We want to ensure that as many people as possible benefit from the grants available to fund insulation improvements and in partnership with YES Energy Solutions, we’re writing to residents ahead of the scheme closing in March.
“We understand that the cost of living crisis has put Calderdale households under a huge amount of pressure, particularly when it has come to energy bills.
“The Council is doing all it can to support residents to improve the energy efficiency of their property. This includes schemes like this one, to help reduce energy bills whilst keeping homes warmer, as well as proactive work to improve energy efficiency standards in rented properties.”
The Council and its partners offer a number of schemes to help support home improvements and make homes warmer and cheaper to heat. Visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/residents/housing/energy-efficiency for more information.
Residents interested in finding out more about applying for this scheme are encouraged to call YES Energy Solutions on 01422 769999 or get in touch with the Council on 01422 392199 to verify the scheme.