Calderdale residents are being asked to share their thoughts about what it’s like to live in the borough to help inform ambitions for the future.
The Vision perception survey gathers the views of local residents each year to help shape the Vision for Calderdale, as the borough approaches its 50th birthday in the year 2024.
The Vision for Calderdale in 2024 is for a place where people can realise their potential whoever they are, whether their voice has been heard or unheard in the past. Its ambitions have been shaped through conversations with local leaders, businesses, partners, community groups, children and young people, and residents from across Calderdale.
The Vision survey 2022 is the second time the survey will have been carried out during the COVID pandemic. As the Council continues to tackle the impacts of the virus and focus on recovery, local people’s views about Calderdale as a place are especially important – helping to inform future ambitions and how to achieve them.
The short survey asks multiple choice questions about perceptions of the borough as a whole, how people perceive community relations, what opportunities people feel are available to them and about creative events in the borough.
There is also a focus on the borough’s recovery from COVID and the survey asks for people’s opinions of how communities have coped throughout the pandemic and the level of confidence people have in the borough’s economic recovery.
Anyone over 16 and living in Calderdale is able to complete the survey. As an extra incentive, anyone completing the survey in January has an option to be entered into a prize draw to win a three-month fitness membership for Calderdale sports centres.
The Leader of Calderdale Council, Cllr Tim Swift, said:
“When we launched our Vision for the borough in 2024, we could not have anticipated the level of challenges we’d be facing in the run up to our 50th anniversary year.
“Despite these challenging times, we remain confident that Calderdale will come out of the pandemic renewed and ready for a stronger future. We’re committed to the Vision of Calderdale being a place where everyone can live a larger life and reach their potential.
“As part of the Vision survey, we want to hear from local people about how they perceive their local community and the wider borough. The information we collect is used to help inform how we achieve our Vision together, with the kindness, resilience, talent, enterprise and distinctiveness that defines Calderdale.”
To take part in the survey, visit https://online1.snapsurveys.com/interview/ba2dc53d-acd9-4098-8be8-8a36ddf07ebf(external link) The survey is also currently signposted from the homepage of the Calderdale Council website (www.calderdale.gov.uk).
To find out more about the Vision2024 for Calderdale, visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision