As we look ahead with hope in 2021, residents are invited to share their views of the borough in a short survey, to help shape how we work together towards the Vision2024 for Calderdale.
Amidst the challenges of COVID-19, we remain committed to the Vision of Calderdale being a place where you can realise your potential, whoever you are and whether your voice has been heard or unheard in the past.
The Vision2024 themes of kindness and resilience, talent and enterprise and distinctiveness have become even more significant during the pandemic, and it is important that we build on these in the year ahead and in the run-up to Calderdale’s 50th birthday in 2024.
The Council has launched its annual Vision2024 Calderdale Residents Perception Survey to gather local people’s views of our place and progress towards the shared Vision. The responses will shape where we want to be by 2024 and how we are going to get there.
The Council is asking Calderdale residents aged 16 and over to spend a few minutes answering questions about the borough’s key qualities. The survey can be completed at www.calderdale.gov.uk/survey/vision2024-public-survey by 11pm on Sunday 31 January 2021 and has also been sent to members of the Council’s Talkback Citizens’ Panel. The results are due be published on the Calderdale Conversations page on the Council’s website in March.
Talkback members will also soon receive a survey to share their views on the COVID-19 vaccination, to help inform the rollout across Calderdale.
Cllr Tim Swift, Calderdale Council’s Leader, said:
“Over 1000 people in Calderdale took part in our Vision2024 survey last January. 2020 changed a lot of things for many of us, but the responses were still really valuable and we’d love to hear from even more of you this year.
“Achieving the Vision together is still important to us as the pandemic continues, and your views will be key to reviving our borough.”
The survey looks at what it’s like to live in Calderdale and people’s opinions on opportunities for young people and businesses, flooding preparations, volunteering, community spirit, culture and heritage, creativity and the COVID-19 response.
In the 2020 survey, around three quarters of respondents thought Calderdale was a great place to live and 86% saw it as an attractive place to visit. More than half thought it was a kind and resilient place. Around 40% of people had done some form of volunteering.
To find out more about the Vision2024 for Calderdale, visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision
To share your views and ideas on a range of issues in Calderdale, join more than 650 members of Talkback, Calderdale Citizens’ Panel, by visiting www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/council/consultation-and-feedback/calderdale-citizens-panel