A new policy to ensure that car parking in Calderdale meets the needs of all users and supports the Council’s priorities is being discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet.
Having the right amount of parking in the right locations and at the right price is important to help the local economy thrive. The parking strategy being considered by members would help guide future parking provision in the borough and help to manage traffic and travel modes on Calderdale highways.
The proposed strategy has been put together following thorough research about the current parking provision in the borough, how it’s used and the parking requirements of different user groups, including short-stay shoppers, long-stay commuters, residents, visitors and those parking in the evening.
It also considers the impact of parking on air quality, with parking spaces in the wrong locations causing congestion and associated emissions as vehicles hunt for spaces. The parking strategy complements the Council’s air quality strategy and the Council’s priority work to tackle the climate emergency, recognising that parking policy is one of the most effective tools to manage and influence traffic and travel on the highway network.
It also recognises that a good balance is required, ensuring spaces in the right places are available for those who must rely on the private car, but also laying the foundations for a more sustainable transport system, supporting active travel, public transport and emerging electric vehicle and alternative fuels technologies.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:
“We understand the importance of having good and competitively priced parking across the borough, especially for those who can’t use other modes of transport, but it’s vital that we can balance this requirement with an encouragement to support sustainable transport methods.
“The proposed parking strategy sets out seven areas of consideration to ensure that provision in the borough meets the needs of users whilst supporting sustainable growth and regeneration.”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Resilience, Cllr Scott Patient, said:
“In Calderdale, road transport is the greatest single contributor to carbon, creating around 41% of the borough’s overall carbon emissions.
“To support vital work to tackle the climate emergency and meet the borough’s ambitious net zero targets, we know we need to reduce the reliance on private cars. However, we recognise that this change can’t happen overnight, and we need to ensure that our infrastructure supports people to choose sustainable alternatives and promotes active travel.
“Investment work across the borough is supporting this shift and the parking policy will complement this work by ensuring there is a good mix of parking provision whilst promoting and prioritising sustainable options wherever possible.”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities, Cllr Jenny Lynn, said:
“There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to parking, with different areas of the borough experiencing different situations and requirements. The strategy would enable us to look at the broader picture for each location, considering the local need and availability of sustainable alternatives.”
The Calderdale car parking strategy will be discussed at the meeting of Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 10 October 2022 at Halifax Town Hall from 6pm. The meeting will also be streamed online.