Plans for exciting, new leisure facilities in Halifax are taking another step forward, as Calderdale Council’s Cabinet discuss proposals for a new combined leisure centre and swimming pool.
Currently, Halifax has two town centre sports provision sites, Halifax Swimming Pool and North Bridge Leisure Centre. Both facilities are dated and require significant ongoing maintenance to continue to operate.
To ensure the future provision of modern leisure facilities in the town, the Council has been exploring a number of options for the construction of a new facility in the town centre.
A recent feasibility study concluded that a new combined swimming pool and leisure facility on the existing North Bridge site would provide the most cost effective solution, by incorporating the existing main sports hall and viewing balcony.
A design option has now been proposed and Cabinet will consider the plans and look to approve the start of a public consultation to ensure the new facility meets the needs of the people who would be using it.
These plans form part of Calderdale’s Next Chapter, which aims to transform and regenerate Calderdale through investment. The plans would also encourage residents to get active, supporting Calderdale’s new physical activity movement, Active Calderdale.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Strategy, Cllr Barry Collins, said:
“We’re committed to providing top class leisure facilities for the people of Calderdale. The proposed plans for a combined leisure centre and swimming pool for Halifax and the surrounding areas would provide improved facilities as well as contributing to the wider regeneration of Halifax town centre.
“In 2010 we delivered two new leisure sites in Brighouse and Sowerby Bridge. These sites are very well used and we hope to use feedback and lessons learned from these projects to inform and develop plans for the Halifax site.”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhood Services, Cllr Susan Press, said:
“Our ambition is for Calderdale to be the most active borough in the North by 2021. By providing new, improved leisure facilities in Halifax we can support this ambition and complement our Active Calderdale strategy.
“Our sports memberships offer excellent value for money and by progressing the development of the new combined leisure centre and swimming pool we would ensure we have a sustainable new facility which meets modern leisure requirements.”
The item will be discussed at the meeting of Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 19 March 2018, at Halifax Town Hall.
Keep up to date with plans to transform and regenerate Calderdale by signing up for the Next Chapter newsletter at http://calderdalenextchapter.co.uk/signup(external link)
Read more about Active Calderdale, Calderdale’s physical activity movement at https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/active-calderdale