The permanent Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the outskirts of Halifax town centre, Skircoat, King Cross and the wider Halifax area will be in place from Monday 1 June 2015.
Parking restrictions will be reintroduced on King Cross Road on Monday 27 April 2015.
The ‘Notice of Making’, which gives details of the new TRO, will be displayed on street by Friday 24 April 2015.
Once introduced, the new TRO will allow the Council to reinstate parking charges, reintroduce residents’ parking permit schemes and enforce parking restrictions which were lifted on 8 October 2014, after it became clear that some of the Council’s TROs could not be legally enforced.
Calderdale Council’s Director of Economy and Environment, Ian Gray said:
“The introduction of the new TRO will restore parking restrictions and charges to the outer area of Halifax. On the majority of streets, there will not be any changes from the existing parking arrangements as they are marked on the streets. We’re also reintroducing parking charges at the previous rates.
“The parking permit schemes will be reintroduced in June to give residents plenty of time to apply for a permit. As there are no residents’ permit schemes in the King Cross area, and to help manage traffic flow and ease congestion in this very busy area, we’re able to bring these restrictions in sooner, initially on King Cross Road.”
The new TRO for Halifax town centre, Skircoat, King Cross, and the wider Halifax area, will be available to view at www.calderdale.gov.uk from Friday 24 April 2015.
Residents living within the permit schemes can apply for a new permit at www.calderdale.gov.uk