The next steps to enable major investment into Brighouse and Todmorden to progress and to transform the towns, will be discussed at Calderdale Council’s Cabinet meeting on Monday 28 March.
In 2019, Brighouse and Todmorden won government support to receive a share of its £3.6 billion Towns Fund. The aim is to kickstart local regeneration projects and drive economic growth.
This was thanks to strong bids from enthusiastic and committed partnerships in each town, made up of public, private and community sector representatives – partnerships that continue to thrive and drive forward the local Town Deals today.
The government officially granted £19.1 million to Brighouse and £17.5 million to Todmorden in recent months. As Accountable Body, the Council has to formally accept both grants to enable them to move forward, which Cabinet Members will be asked to do at their meeting on 28 March.
Through their own Town Deal Boards, each town is developing the projects that will deliver the agreed investment plans to benefit local people. Business cases setting out these plans must be submitted to the government in June for Brighouse and in August for Todmorden.
As Accountable Body, the Council will formally approve the business cases before they are submitted. At their next meeting, Cabinet Members will be asked to allow this approval to be given by the appropriate senior Council officers in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy through a formal process that takes place outside of Cabinet meetings, to avoid any delays.
Cllr Jane Scullion, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy, said:
“One of the Council’s priorities is to support strong and resilient towns across the borough, helping to achieve the Vision2024 for Calderdale where everyone can reach their potential, and talent and enterprise can thrive.
“The scale of the Town Deals funding for Brighouse and Todmorden is significant, and thanks to the amazing partnership work across these communities, the towns are set to see regeneration that will help them recover from the pandemic, thrive and be more resilient.
“The Town Deal Boards are eager to get started on the projects, and the process discussions at Cabinet will take this a step closer.”
The Brighouse Town Deal aims to revitalise the area by encouraging more people to visit the town centre and stay there for longer, by improving public spaces, revitalising the market and building on Brighouse’s reputation for enterprise. As a key manufacturing hub, the scheme will harness advanced manufacturing opportunities and create stronger links to supply chains and research institutions across the Leeds City Region. To encourage growth that benefits everyone, the scheme will provide greater access to skills and employment opportunities locally, focusing on apprenticeships, vocational learning for young people and jobs that will support the inclusive economic recovery from COVID-19.
The Todmorden Town Deal is also underpinned by inclusive growth, helping local people develop new skills and secure more and better-quality jobs, leading to increased household incomes and a stronger economy that everyone can benefit from. The programme aims for Todmorden to become a thriving market town, making the most of its unique landscape and enterprising spirit to drive regeneration and deliver long-term economic and productivity growth.
Our support for the Brighouse and Todmorden Town Deal Boards contributes to our Vision2024 for Calderdale. The year 2024 marks Calderdale’s 50th birthday. Where do we want to be by 2024? What’s our ambition and what will be different? Visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/vision
Find out more about the Town Deals:
www.brighousedeal.co.uk(external link)
www.todmordentowndeal.co.uk(external link)
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet meeting will take place on Monday 28 March 2022 from 6pm at Halifax Town Hall, and can also be watched at https://calderdale.public-i.tv/core/portal/home(external link).