Green, energy saving residents and businesses can find out how to help Calderdale reduce its carbon emissions by an ambitious 40% by 2020 at ‘Our Energy Future’ event.
Calderdale Council is committed to providing a sustainable future for its local communities and businesses. With sharply rising energy prices that are set to continue, we need to take action together to achieve green, cost effective energy for all.
Leeds University has conducted a study to look at the scale of this commitment by the Council and its partners; it is not something that the Council can do alone. One of the key ways in which the target will be met is through large scale housing refurbishment projects, as well as small low cost actions that households and businesses can do, such as fitting radiator valves and turning the heating down by 1oc.
Calderdale is home to some world leading businesses and active communities working to address climate change. This event will bring these organisations together to share ideas and take firm action.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Economy and Environment, Cllr Barry Collins, said:
“Now’s the time to turn talk about energy saving and carbon reduction into action. That’s why our conference is bringing business, the public sector and communities together to plan for Calderdale’s Energy Future. It’s not just about this winter’s fuel bills and warmer homes; it’s about a low carbon world and more resilience against flooding and climate change as well. We want everyone in Calderdale to get involved so if you’re interested, please register for the event and come along.”
The event will be held on Monday 14 October 2013 at the brand new Calderdale College Sustainable Technology Centre. It will also see the grand opening of the new state of the art building followed by key note speakers at 4.00pm, which includes Robert Taylor, Sustainability Manager from Nestle; Merran McRae, Chief Executive at Calderdale Council and Cllr Barry Collins, Cabinet Member for Economy and Environment.
For more information about the event and to book your place, visit www.calderdalesenergyfuture.org.uk(external link)