Other news: page 19

This Pride month, and beyond, Calderdale Council is highlighting how important it is to be yourself, no matter how you identify, and to embrace diversity.   This is a central theme of Calderdale’s Year of Culture (CultureDale(external link)). With a commitment to inclusivity, the 12-month programme of events and activities ensures everyone can take part in,… read more … about CultureDale event inspires you to ‘be here, be you, be proud!’>>

Calderdale residents are being urged to register to vote and check voter application deadlines, to ensure they can have their say in the upcoming General Election. To vote in the General Election on Thursday 4 July 2024, residents must make sure they area registered to vote. The deadline to register is 11:59pm on Tuesday 18… read more … about Your vote matters – be prepared for the upcoming election>>

People in Calderdale are being asked to share their thoughts about how they feel connected to their local neighbourhood and the wider Calderdale area, to help inform work to build stronger communities. Calderdale Council is developing a new approach to social cohesion through the Building Stronger Communities Framework – a document which supports the borough… read more … about Have your say and help to build stronger communities in Calderdale>>

Two people holding hands

With diversity and inclusion at its heart, the Calderdale Year of Culture programme features an unforgettable event to celebrate Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month this June. People will be able to immerse themselves in the vibrant traditions that shape the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities at Halifax Borough Market on Friday 7 and Saturday… read more … about Celebrating Gypsy, Roma and Traveller history and culture>>

CultureDale logo

During Volunteers’ Week(external link), the Council is encouraging people to spread some Calderdale kindness and take up a volunteering role, including the once-in-a-lifetime chance to be part of the Year of Culture 2024(external link). Volunteers’ Week (Monday 3 – Saturday 8 June) is a national celebration of the amazing contributions volunteers make to communities, and… read more … about A landmark year to volunteer in Calderdale>>

Local playgrounds are an important part of family life for many people – from having a family trip out or spending time with friends, to exercising or watching wildlife. Now Calderdale Council is giving people the chance to shape improvements to play areas across the borough. People who visit Calderdale’s play areas – whether that’s… read more … about Have your say to shape local play>>

Work has started in an area of Mixenden to make it safer and more enjoyable to walk, cycle, rest and play outside. Calderdale Council is transforming the streets around Ash Green Community Primary School to reduce traffic, increase the number of green spaces and help improve air quality for people’s health and climate action. This… read more … about Mixenden project to create safer, healthier and greener streets>>

How the streets could look around Ash Green

Calderdale Council is leading the way in its efforts to tackle the climate emergency, with the development of a major new tool to help inform work to reach ambitious net zero targets. The Council will be one of the first local authorities in the country, and the first in the region, to develop a Local… read more … about New energy plan leads the way on climate action in Calderdale>>

Insulation being installed in a home in Calderdale

Plant-based, locally sourced food will be on the menu at future events hosted by the Council if a new catering policy is approved. The proposed policy is specifically for catering which is paid for by the Council.  Food provided at Council hosted meetings or events will be 100% plant based, with a preference for seasonal… read more … about Council plants new catering policy>>

Cllr Scott Patient at Brearley Fields