Calderdale Council is letting nature flourish this May by taking part in the annual conservation campaign to reduce the amount of grass cutting that takes place during the month. No Mow May is coordinated by the conservation charity Plantlife and encourages garden owners and those managing green spaces not to mow grass during May. Plantlife’s research… read more … about Calderdale Council embraces No Mow May to boost nature across the borough>>
Other news: page 22
The new link road on the A629 south of Halifax is now open, as part of work to improve the flow of traffic and make it easier to walk, cycle or take public transport. The new bridge spanning the Calder and Hebble navigation, opened on Sunday 28 April, as part of phase 1b of the… read more … about New bridge and new routes now open as project progresses>>
People across Calderdale will soon be more involved in designing adult care and wellbeing services, based on their experiences and ideas. Calderdale Council wants people who use adult social care services, and those who may use them in the future, to contribute to positive change in the way services are provided. To do this, the… read more … about Working together to give the best care>>
A Calderdale Council solicitor has earned a prestigious national role for her outstanding work, putting Calderdale on the map for leading the way in local government law. Aneeka Muneer, the Council’s Principal Litigation Solicitor, was appointed President of Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) on Wednesday 17 April 2024. LLG is the national voice of lawyers… read more … about Council employee puts Calderdale on the map>>
Calderdale’s first ever Year of Culture is officially underway, after hundreds of local performers showcased their talent and creativity in an opening celebration to remember. Visitors to Halifax town centre on Saturday 13 April 2024 were treated to over 25 free events, activities and performances from 10am to 8pm. Crowds gathered in The Piece Hall… read more … about Year-long cultural celebration kicks off in Calderdale>>
Calderdale residents are asked to take part in a survey to help shape future plans and support healthy ageing. Calderdale Council is looking to support the aims of the Calderdale Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2027, to make Calderdale a place where everyone can realise their potential and live a larger life. Part of this is… read more … about Have your say and support healthy ageing in Calderdale>>
Visitors to Calderdale are encouraged to ‘pick up a passport’, as a new initiative is inviting people to explore some of the borough’s prettiest parks, inspiring museums and fascinating heritage sites. Visitors can pick up the new Calderdale passport at locations across the borough and start collecting stamps, to gain entry to a prize draw… read more … about Grab your ‘passport’ and visit Calderdale>>
Calderdale Council’s response to the climate emergency and its innovative work with local communities has received national recognition, with the Council shortlisted for the MJ Local Government Achievement Awards. The prestigious awards are held annually and recognise success in local government and outstanding work and commitment to local communities. The Council is a finalist in… read more … about Local climate action shortlisted for national award>>
What do a supermarket loyalty card, a social media account and a hand-drawn picture have in common? None of them are accepted forms of ID to vote at a polling station! As of 2023, everyone voting in person at polling stations across the country needs to show a valid type of photo identification to be… read more … about Do yourself a favour – get the right ID to vote>>